Disappearing and reappearing

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A yawn escapes (Y/n) and she stretches out, as Bede sits up. At the end of the bed Bede's Sylveon watches them groggily. The platinum blond looks at his guest. She was staring blankly at the ceiling, still stretched out. She frankly looked dead inside. He gets up, stretches, and walks to the door.

"Take your time getting up..." He says groggily

She hums in response. She had always been like this when she wakes up. Extremely quiet and a little dead inside. Her mind wasn't even active with thoughts yet. Sylveon hops of the bed follows Bede out.

About 20 minutes laters (Y/n) left the room and headed the bathroom. She preformed all the normal morning routines. And suddenly she was back to her normal self. Her outfit consisted of a custom fairy type tank top, fluffy sweater, jeans, and flats. She sits in the living room, and released Zacian.

The legendary howled happily, causing (Y/n) to smile and laugh. She took out the feather and bell. Zacian gets excited. (Y/n) shakes it and the legendary fairy type snaps at it. (Y/n) laughs thoroughly entertained by the legendary's actions. Soon Bede's right hand woman, Hatterene, joined in. Both Pokémon played together perfectly fine.

Bede watches this happen with a smile. Hatterene was having a good time and, it was cute how (Y/n) interacted with the Pokémon. Both Pokémon soon felt satisfied with the amount of time they played with the toy. With that she took out a brush.

"Grooming anyone?" She asks

Hatterene floated forward smiling. Zacian sat politely and patiently as (Y/n) brushed Hatterene. When she was done Hatterene looked like she had gotten a day at a solon. Bede's eyes widen. (Y/n)'s a fairly tom-boy girl.

She's extremely against dresses, skirts, heels and, makeup. She states she doesn't like how they look and feel on her. She prefers to be out and active, or relaxing and lazing about. Chaotically messing and roughhousing with pokemon and friends. She cared for herself of course, but never put a lot of effort into her looks. The way she liked to dress was pretty much just, if it's comfortable it's fine.

He approaches Hatterene, who was very happy with her groom. Bede runs hand over her head. It was silky soft. He wondered how this could be done with a freaking brush, of all things. He looks at (Y/n), who was now grooming Zacian.

"Where'd you learn to do this?" He asks

She turns to him.

"Hm? Oh! I'm capable of doing great grooming. I just don't do it on myself. It's really only for the Pokémon's enjoyment." She smiles and turns back to Zacian

"Not going to lie I kind of expected that kind of answer." He states, causing (Y/n) to chuckle

(Y/n) stayed at Bede's place for 3 more hours before heading out. He thought she would go home, however about 3 and half hours later he got a text from her. It was a picture of snow covered environment, large pine trees, blue tinted grass, and, few pokemon he didn't recognize walking around. Confusion hits him hard.

"Where are you?" He texts

"A place called the Crown tundra! It's freaking beautiful here! Though I'm not a fan of the cold, lol." She responds

He feels a sense worry wash over him. He knew she couldn't resist interacting with new Pokémon. But that can prove to be dangerous.

"Please be careful. You don't know what's lurking out there."

He got no response to that. That's fine, as he knew she would want to meet as many Pokémon as possible. She'll get back to him when she's had her fun. So he goes on with his day the normal gym events take place. And even more so people would be sent away without badges. After a particularly tough battle he checks his phone.

"Hey, something happened. And I wanna warn you I may not be around for awhile. Don't be surprised if this last text you get from me for... Well I don't know how long. But it certainly won't be any small amount of time."

Bede's heart crashes against his chest.


No response.

"(Y/n), you can't just say something like that and not answer! What's going on?!"

Bede tried to get an answer again and again. But to no avail. The gym staff soon found themselves telling Opal Bede was on the verge of tears. And he wouldn't let anyone come close. Bede of course told Opal exactly what was happening. She assured him that all would be alright and, reminded him (Y/n) and her team are more than strong enough to defend themselves.

This helped for a time. But several days passed and he grew anxious. It all came to a climax when Hop, Marnie and even Piers came to the gym to question him. All hell seemed to break lose as the news of (Y/n)'s disappearance spreads amongst the gym leaders. Text were left unread. Calls unanswered.

It had been almost 3 weeks and the consideration of search party came up. All gym leaders congregated in the lobby of the fairy type gym. It was just as they were making a final decision that it happened.

"Am I interrupting something?"

Everyone turns to see (Y/n) looking around confused. A moment of processing and everyone takes on a serious/angry expression. Before anyone could say anything (Y/n) put it together.

"I'm in trouble for disappearing like I did, aren't I?" She asks

"Yes!" They all answer

(Y/n) makes eye contact with Bede, who was the most pissed off. It was actually so bad his pupils had shrunk in size. (Y/n) smiles nervously letting out an awkward giggle, as Bede's eyes narrow.

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