On the back of a Rapidash

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"Well?" Bede asks waiting for (Y/n) to react

Rapidash stares at her expectingly, hoof still raised. (Y/n) blinks a couple times then takes a deep breath. She walks up and places her foot on Rapidash's hoof. Bede out stretches a his hand. Silently offering to help. She grabs hold of his hand and pushes herself up as he pulls. Soon she was seated on the back of the unique horn Pokémon, right behind the platinum blond.

Bede grabs hold of Rapidash's mane. (Y/n) wraps her arms around his torso, involuntarily pressing her own body against his back. His cheeks turn red at this as an almost giddy smile caresses his face.

"Keep to a steady walk for now, Rapidash. We've got a newbie aboard." He says

"Gee, thanks." (Y/n) says sarcastically, rolling her eyes

He and Rapidash chuckle. Rapidash begins walking and Bede could feel (Y/n)'s arms tighten around him. Not surprising considering Rapidash back riding is intimidating and tense when you're new to it. Even if you're just a passenger. Bede stirs Rapidash's movements but pulling on his mane. Nothing that bothered Rapidash, seeing as it doesn't hurt and he prefers this over reins.

Only 5 minutes pass and (Y/n)'s grip loosened up. She was feeling comfortable now.

"Think you're ready to take it up a notch?" He asks

"Yeah let's go for it." She responds

He smiles. Her bravery is something to admire. And he did, though he wouldn't admit it publicly.

"Trot." Bede says

With that Rapidash began trotting. (Y/n)'s grip tightened again, though not a lot. Bede still stirs but less so. Letting Rapidash make direction decisions. Slowly giving his trusted partner control. Another 5 minutes pass.

"Can we go faster?" She asks

"Absolutely. Canter." He responds

Rapidash responds with exactly that. A breeze brushes against their faces due to the new speed. It felt nice. (Y/n) fell silent and simply observed the world from this new perspective. She had never been up on a Rapidash's back and the experience was amazing so far.

Little does she know that Bede's giving up more and more stirring control. At one point he was only keeping Rapidash from making any jumps. Finally he gives total control to Rapidash.

"Alright Rapidash. All I ask is you don't go crazy, for (Y/n)'s sake." He says

The unique horn Pokémon smiles confidently. Before (Y/n) could question this Rapidash takes off in a full on sprint. Her grip tightened and she lets out a surprised yelp. However it was quickly followed by laughter. Rapidash ran around as he pleased. Preforming short jumps over ledges, and small boulders. Racing up and down hills. And generally just having a good time.

As they were racing along Articuno flew up next to them. It gives (Y/n) a happy noise and once again nods at Bede. (Y/n) smiles at the legendary bird happily. Bede smiles as well and returns the gesture again. Articuno flies ahead catching Rapidash's attention. The unique horn Pokémon follows the bird igniting a game of keep up.

The only winner in that game was exhaustion. Rapidash comes to a stop. Bede gets off and his back and helps (Y/n) off. Rapidash lays down, while the two trainers sit in the grass together, and Articuno floated nearby.

"That was super fun! And I felt so... powerful! Y'know what I mean?" (Y/n) asks look Bede in the eyes

Her eyes sparkle with excitement and immense joy, the smile on her face wide and undisturbed. Bede's heart beat speeds up and a light dust of pink covers his cheeks. A small smile graces his face.

"Yeah. Maybe I can teach you to ride when your Ponyta evolves." He says

(Y/n) nods happily. She scoots closer to him and wraps an arm around him. He immediately responds by doing the same. They rest their heads against each other's. Rapidash smirks at his trainer causing him to roll his eyes. Though his smile remained.

As the sun began setting, Bede returned Rapidash and was then taken back to outside of the gym via teleportation thanks to Articuno. (Y/n) watches as Bede stretch for a moment. She was still uncertain of everything between them, but in this moment she didn't care. She place a kiss on the corner of his mouth. The male flushes red and stares at her in shock.

"I promise I'm only going home this time. I'll even send a picture if you need proof." She jokes

Bede blinks then sheepishly smiles and chuckles. Articuno then wraps it's wings around it's trainer and teleports away. The area where he had been kissed tingled. He wondered when it would end, and hoped it wouldn't. It was an odd yet very welcome feeling. He walks back into the gym. The staff freeze taking notice of the males expression. Which could only be described as blissfully dazed.

Only Opal had an idea of why he was like this.

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