The legendary track down begins

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(Y/n) stands up causing the birds to back up. She laughs not even fazed by the fall.

"Can you at least try to not break yourself in half!" Bede shouts

She looks over to him with an innocent smile. She begins walking toward him.

"It's okay, Bede! I've slipped before! I'm fin-"

She doesn't even finish her sentence before she slips yet again and lands flat on her face this time. Bede flinches at the sight. The fact that everything is covered in a layer of snow and ice makes the mere thought falling in such a way incredibly unpleasant. But like the resilient force of nature she is, she lifts her face up and begins laughing.

She then gets up on her feet and begins playing with the 3 big birds again. Bede stares at her silently, wondering how he's going to handle her here.

"I thought she wanted me here to keep her in check..." He mumbles

"I think she meant when you 2 finally encounter those legendaries. I was lead to believe you know how reckless she can be once she turns over to that goal achieving mind set." Sonia says with a smile

Bede grunts in response. He wasn't particularly happy with that comment. Though it was absolutely true he's witnessed first hand how reckless she is when she wants something. However, while he wasn't going to say it out loud with Sonia around, he'd prefer if she didn't do things that got her hurt.

Though he also knows that's something that'll never happen. She's a chaotic fun loving force so she'll always be like this. All he could really do is minimize the damage.

"Anyway, Freezington should be-"

"It's this way!" (Y/n) chirps cutting off Sonia, as she points in a specific direction

She's hopping from one for to the other like an excited Scorbunny. Sonia laughs a bit amused, as always, at the girl's happy demeanor. Meanwhile Bede suppresses his urge to kiss that adorable face.

"I should've known you'd know the way. So go ahead take the lead." Sonia says fully ready to follow her

"But be careful about it, I don't want you breaking your neck or something." Bede adds sternly, trying to act unfazed by (Y/n)'s absurdly cute display of excitement

"No promises!" (Y/n) chirps while saluting

Bede lets out a frustrated sigh as they begin making their way toward Freezington. Thankfully he didn't have to worry about her long, because while walking (Y/n) turns her attention to him.

She takes any and every opportunity to tell him about the many Pokemon around that he's unfamiliar with. He could've pulled his newly updated dex to find out more, but he knew she was having fun tell him about all of them. And if she was having fun without being in harm's way he absolutely approved of it.

Somewhere during the events he kinda forgets Sonia is there, and begins messing around with (Y/n) as he would if they were alone. Playful pushing and teasing, laughing and joking, and even insulting each other for fun.

By the time they reach Freezington they had thoroughly exhausted themselves. Silence fell over them as they focus what little bit of energy they had on simply getting into a cabin and out of the cold. Which thankfully didn't take long because Sonia knew exactly which cabin to go to once they arrived.

Upon entering into the warmth of the cabin, Sonia begins to set up her research and such. Bede and (Y/n) let out large yawns. The platinum blond begins rubbing his eyes as (Y/n) stares into nothingness. The 2 are physically leaning on each other for support. Sonia looks at them and smiles.

"You 2 should go to sleep. Just take the bed in the room."

Sonia points at the bedroom door. The 2 tired trainers look at the door tiredly.

"Thanks, Sonia..." (Y/n) mumbles with a thankful yet tired smile

Bede remains silent, pretty much done with putting in effort to produce words. Or any sounds for that matter. With no more to say and no reason to decline Sonia's offer, they go to the room take off their winter gears and jump into bed. Right beside each other. Once their heads hit the pillows they pass out.




When morning arrives (Y/n)'s eyes open slowly. She lets out a big yet silent yawn. As she remembers where she is and why her energy spikes up. She turns on her side and her heart skips a beat. Bede is of course still asleep, and it's adorable. He's hugging a pillow, part of his face buried into it.

"Awww..." She coos quietly

She reaches over and runs a hand through his hair, which is even softer then it looks. Her persistent gentle touch wakes him slowly but surely. Until his eyelids flutter open revealing those beautiful eyes she's begun to love so much.

"Morning, Bede." She says continuing her action

He smiles a bit, then reaches a hand to her. He pulls her hand away intertwining their fingers as he did. She blushes a bit.

"You ready to start our adventure today?" She asks

"That's a possibility." He says jokingly

They giggle at the joke. She pulls her hand away.

"Well, let's get ready. I have a feeling this whole thing is gonna take awhile. And we're going to have rely on each other for days at a time." She says as she sits up and stretches a bit

He sits up as well and scooches closer to her. He wraps his arms around her neck pressing their cheeks together.

"That's fine by me." He states as he closes his eyes

(Y/n) chuckles at him. Then they separate to get ready with him taking the bathroom first, as she gather's up her stuff for her turn. When they finally swap out instead of staying in the room he leaves the room to get an explanation from Sonia.

Something he quickly realized wasn't going to happen.

The professor is knock out cold on the couch. He looks around wondering how they're supposed to get details on what to do when she asleep. So after that question came up it was answered, as he spots a note taped to a nearby wall.

He takes it and reads it over. As he would expect from a professor everything was clear in the way of institutions. Though since locations are mentioned and he doesn't know his way around this place, it seemed to be written more for (Y/n) than both of them. Which makes sense in a way.

Finally (Y/n) comes out of the room and he hands her the note. They then quickly and quietly suit back up and head outside. Just as expected (Y/n) finds her way to the location mentioned in the note. Where they find some oddly shaped footprint.

After a moment of inspecting the print and reading the note again. She turns to him with a smile.

"You might want to tell Opal you won't be back for a month or so." She says a little more cheerfully than she should've

The platinum blinks a couple times as to processes that one. She walks past him and looks out on the horizon. She spots the first set of prints and her smile grows, as a spark of pride flashes in her eyes.

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