Laser Tag pt.1 - OneShot

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For those of you who don't know what lazar tag is, basically it is a game where you run around in a room with walls and stuff, and you have these vests on and a gun that shoots lasers (like one of those cat toys, it can't hurt you). The goal is to shoot the lasers at other players' vests to get points; the player or team with the most points wins. It's a lot of fun and I suck at explaining, so if someone else wants to give it an attempt to help explain it, please feel free to 😂.

Here are some pictures to kind of help understand (all found on Google). 

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You can either play on teams or individually; in my game they are in teams

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You can either play on teams or individually; in my game they are in teams. Some lazar tag places also have pre-assigned names to the vests to keep track of your score, which will be in my story too. The 'arena' in my story is also very large, bigger than normal ones. 

Ok, finally on to the story after that LONG introduction!


A worker at the Coruscant Laser Tag place took Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, Hardcase, Fives, Echo, Jesse and Tup away from the lobby and into a room with a holoprojector. Ahsoka could barely contain her excitement as she waited for the game to begin! 

An instructional video played, explaining the rules of the game. 'No running, jumping on objects/props or physical contact with an enemy is permitted during the game.'  The holorecording said. 

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