This or That #2! (Activity)

323 8 294

Same as the one before, please respect everyone's opinions. 

Cad Bane or Boba Fett

Hoth or Geonosis

Chewbacca or R2D2

Coruscant or Corellia

K-2SO or L3-37

Starkiller Base or Death Star

General Hux or Grand Moff Tarkin

Palpatine or Vader

Togruta or Twi'lek

Ezra or Sabine

Chopper or BB8

Kannan or Hera

Ryloth or Felucia 

Plo Koon or Shaak Ti

Luminara or Mace

Grievous or Dooku 

Mandalorians or Sith

Jar Jar or Barriss

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