chapter 1

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"Bye, Ms. Veritas!"

As I exit, I glance over to the giggling students grouped right by the door.

"Goodbye, my lovelies! Y'all have a good weekend!" I say, waving.

I'm barely in my car when another text from Naomi comes through. The thousandth one today. Going out with my friends has become a rarity lately, but Naomi has been especially insistent today.

Bish, don't ignore me
I can see you've seen these

You know what... fuck it
I'm down to go out, it's been a crazy week

Yay! Thank God. Fucking finally
I have a good feeling about tonight

I've known Naomi since we worked at a movie theater together one summer after high school. We just clicked and have been close ever since. I've always been a little anti-social, but since my mom's diagnosis, I've become more of a hermit. Naomi and my mom will even text and conspire against me. But honestly, my mom will text every number she gets a hold of. Especially if it's someone that makes me happy and someone that will help me prioritize myself occasionally. Naomi does a really good job of reminding me that I'm still in my 20s and gets me out of my head.

Naomi tells me we're going to En Fuego, a ten-minute walk from my apartment. She encouraged me to invite Taliyah and Zoe, who are more my friends than hers, only because we used to work together at the same school before going our separate ways. I decided then that we should make a whole night of it and pregame at my place. I'm so glad the three of them get along so well. Not to mention they party way more than I do, so they bond over the social scene of our town.

When the doorbell rings, I see that Naomi has again ordered way too much Chinese food. I don't know if it's because she works in sales and has to entertain/woo clients, but whenever she's in charge of food... my entire coffee table is covered with takeout boxes.  Thankfully, Taliyah, Zoe, and her girlfriend Shelby come over not long after the food.

Since this was somewhat of a rare occasion, we decided we should have a theme for our outfits, and we chose sparkles. As my friends walk through the door, it becomes a runway. I have on a lacy, glittery crop top, a pencil skirt, and my glittery Toms because you'll never catch me in heels. Naomi has on a squinted, tight mini dress, and Taliyah is wearing a sparkly, low-cut shift dress. Zoe has on a button-down, glitter bow tie, and cute ankle pants. Shelby is wearing a sparkly top with tuxedo shorts. I mean, We. Are. Killing. It.

We gather around my coffee table with Naomi and I sitting on the ground and the other three sitting on the couch, all of us reaching over each other for food. Taliyah is the one who keeps the drinks coming. Naomi is in charge of the music. Taliyah, Zoe, and I talk about work at our respective schools until Naomi stops us. Shelby is pretty quiet, so she mostly watches, listens, and laughs along. Occasionally we all get up to dance or horribly belt out a song. This could be the alcohol talking, but when I look at this group of friends... I feel so thankful. Thankful to have such kind, beautiful, diverse women in my life.

With a shot in my hand, I sit up on my knees to say, "Thank you all for coming and reminding me to let loose! It was just one of those weeks, you know. Meeting with my seniors, a crisis here and there, plus running a bunch of errands for my mom. Here's to good friends and fun nights!"

"And to hooking up with strangers!" Naomi yells... although the only singles are her and me. Shelby is comfortably tucked in Zoe's side, and Taliyah has a boyfriend who is meeting us at the club with his group of guys.

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