Monday during first period is the worst time of the whole week. I'm stuck in Maths with a bunch of arrogant teenagers who will do anything to avoid work, and a teacher who spends half of her time crying over new ex-boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, Ms Rifter is a great teacher, but she can never keep a relationship. Even though Zac is meant to be in class with me, he usually sleeps in and gets to school just after second period has started. Walking into that class, is like walking into my worst nightmare. I sit at the back in the second seat to the right, I'm not quite sure why, but that's the only place I feel comfortable. I entered class just as the bell went, standing in the doorway to scan the room to see if, on rare occasion, Zac had gotten to school on time. After not seeing him, I went to the back row to take my normal seat, when being faced with more disappointed. Cameron Milton, the 'bad boy' of our year level, who never pays attention and has hooked up with most girls in the school, was slouched lazily in my spot. As I got closer to the table, there was an evident smirk plastered across his face.
"Do you want your seat back, Natalie? ' Cause I'll give it back to you, on one condition," His eyes never leaving mine as he spoke.
"Oh, I'd love to hear wait you've got in mind," I scoffed, thinking of all the disgusting things he could say.
"You see, I have a little, well pretty big problem," He winked whilst the teacher walked through the doors.
"I'd rather get eaten alive by a hippopotamus," I replied as I pushed past him and his friends to take a seat in the middle row.
The lesson was the same as the others, Ms Rifter give us a worksheet to complete by the end of the lesson while she sulked behind her laptop. I completed the worksheet early, as per usual, so I tried to waste the rest of my time. I sat, dazing at the clock, waiting for the lesson to finish. My daze was broken when I felt a light tap on my back. I turned to the person sitting behind me, who handed me a small note and motioned to Cameron. I opened the note to see a message scrawled across the first line of the page.
"You never gave me a proper answer about helping me with my problem. You know you want to."
I could feel his eyes burning through the back of my neck. I grab my pen and furiously wrote my reply.
"You disgust me. Is it not obvious that I will never do anything for you? I hate you."
I scrunched up the paper and threw it at him, only to receive it again moments later.
"I love you too."
I glared back at him just as the bell concluding first period went. Quickly gathering my things, I stormed out of the classroom.

Reality (On Hold - For A While)
General FictionDo I have a past? Yes. Have I made mistakes? Yes. Do I regret those mistakes? Yes. But do I deserve this? Definitely not. © All rights reserved. 2015. *Photos included are not mine*