Friday came sooner than I had hoped, and before I knew it I was standing in my wardrobe deciding on what outfit to wear. I turned my head, slowly glancing at all of the clothes that Dakota had neatly folded and arranged in order of season. I turned to face the clothes which had been put into the autumn piles, trying to find something which I could wear in the surprisingly warm weather. As I rummaged through my pile of pants, I heard the faint buzz of my phone vibrating on my bed. My hand gripped onto a pair of ripped back skinny jeans and carefully pulled it out from underneath the rest, and grabbed a black cropped shirt from the top of my spring stack. I walked out of my closet and back into my bedroom, my clothes draped over my forearm. I laid the clothes on top of the bed, the bottom of the jeans slightly hanging off the corner of my bed. I fell backwards onto my bed and let myself sink into the bed sheets, and let my hand navigate its way to my phone.
"Better stop relaxing and get dressed quickly now, I heard Cameron doesn't like to wait. - Sasha"
My state of relaxation faded away as my brain processed the message. I immediately shot up, my vision going blurring as my head stung with the pain of arising too quickly. Frantically scanning my room; trying to find how Sasha had been watching me. As my eyes landed on my open window with the curtains pushed all the way back, I began to panic; wondering how long Sasha had been watching me, and where she was watching me from. I shut the window and slid the curtains over one another; ensuring that there was no way for Sasha to see inside through the window.
Sliding into the passenger seat, I glanced around the car finding it to be the opposite of what I had expected. The floor was not covered by piles of empty energy drink bottles and the dash board was not hidden underneath a thick layer of dust.
"Not what you thought, eh?" He questioned as he got into the car and observed my surprised expression.
"It's just thought that," I paused, trying to think of the right way to word my sentence.
"You thought that I would be one of those guys who didn't care about how messy his car was." He finished. I looked down into my lap and started fumbling with my fingers, feeling embarrassed for assuming the worst.
"You just didn't strike me to be the type of guy who cared about things like that." I tried to reason.
"If it was my job, this care would never be cleaned. Luckily, I have other people to do that job for me." Cameron's father was a doctor at the New York Cancer Research Clinic, and his mother was a best-selling author. His family had earned enough money over the past three years to retire and never have to worry about money issues; Cameron probably bathed in hundred dollar notes.
Small talk was made as we made our way to the party, neither of us finding a topic that would hold a proper conversation. The street lights looked hazy as Cameron drove well above the legal speed limit; holding the steering wheel loosely with one hand and occasionally turning his gaze towards my direction, giving me a warm smile when we made eye contact. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans and a grey t-shirt that made his arms protrude whenever he gripped tightly onto something; his hair pushed up into a quiff. There was no doubt when saying that Cameron was good looking; if I hadn't talked to him before I would have found him appealing, but when he opened his mouth everything went downhill. Tonight he seemed different; it seemed as though his smiles were genuine, but who knew what he could get a girl to believe.
My stomach began to twist and turn as the noise of music could faintly be heard from the top of the street. Parking the car a little while from the house, I took a deep breath and got out of the car. I looked over to see Cameron staring at me with a confused look on his face. "It's been a while since I've been to one of these." He nodded, and with that we made our way towards the house.
Within thirty minutes of getting to the party, I had already managed to loose Cameron. I wandered through the house with a drink in my hand, having to make my way through the mass of sweaty bodies that were on the makeshift 'dancefloor' to get upstairs. As I reached the top of the staircase, I couldn't help but turn my head around and watch as people swayed their hips against the random person that was in front of them. Taking a step forward, I collided with a large build; the strong smell of liquor filled my lungs and I looked upwards to find the familiar face of Cameron in front of me. He pouted when he came to the realisation that the drink that was once held in his hands was now slowly soaking into the carpet.
"I was enjoying that." He said in a childish tone; sticking his bottom lip out.
"I think you've had enough. How much have you had to drink?" I questioned, looking at his dishevelled hair. He tried taking a step closer to me, stumbling in the process. "Okay, don't answer that. Let's just find you a place to sit down."
I opened the door to the third bedroom and expected them to be occupied like the other two that I had tried; to my surprise, the room was empty. I lead Cameron into the room, laying him down on the bed before entering the ensuite and wetting the hand towel that was laid across the towel rack with warm water. I re-entered the bedroom with the towel in my hand, and laid it across Cameron's forehead.
"Why are you doing this, Natalie? I mean, all I ever do is make you feel bad." He said in a hushed voice.
"You don't make me feel bad. Sure, you can be annoying but that doesn't mean I don't like you."
"I know I don't show it, but I'm not as bad as I seem." I opened my mouth to reply to him but closed it after he continued speaking. "I only act the way I do to annoy my father. He doesn't care what I do; it's like whatever I do it's always going to be 'Do what makes you happy, son.' If once, he just told me that I wasn't allowed to do something." His voice broke as his eyes began to water. "If he laid some ground rules, I wouldn't be doing all this to true and get his attention. By this time, Cameron was now sitting with his back against the headboard, tears brimming in his eyes. He turned to look at the wall and blinked away the tears; as I sat shocked at his sudden drunken confession. I carefully approached him, and gave him a small, quick hug. His gaze left the wall as he immediately got out of the bed; the conversation that had just taken place being removed from his mind. He began pacing the room as he fumbled to find his keys. As he found them in his front right pocket, he gripped them and pulled them out of his front pocket.
"I'm going home.' Cameron slurred as he pick out his car keys from the pile he had dangling from his keychain.
'You can't drive in a state like that." I said, pointing out his obvious drunken state. As I finished the sentence, I felt my phone vibrate from under me. I slid my phone out from my back pocket and glanced at the screen to find another message from Sasha.
"He might get hurt if he drives like that. I don't think that would be something which would make you happy -Sasha." Knowing that Sasha was able to know my actions as they happened made me sick to the stomach. I jumped up from the bed, grabbing the keys from Cameron's hand.
"I'll drive you home, I'm done here." I stated as I frantically walked towards the door; wanting to leave the party before something that I would later regret would happen.

Reality (On Hold - For A While)
Ficción GeneralDo I have a past? Yes. Have I made mistakes? Yes. Do I regret those mistakes? Yes. But do I deserve this? Definitely not. © All rights reserved. 2015. *Photos included are not mine*