Chapter 11

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I looked in the mirror. I didn't see anything different but then I turned my neck to where it was bleeding. There were bite marks... of a vampire.

"Did you do this?!" I asked Slater.

He put his hand on his neck then said, "You would have died if we didn't."

I was so confused. My gums started hurting. I looked in the mirror and opened my mouth. My teeth were pointed, more than usual. I was a vampire. I turned to Slater. He wasn't too happy with himself.

"I'm so sorry. I know you didn't want to be one of us... but I couldn't have let you die. I had to save you! And that was the only way." his eyes started watering.

"Wait, did YOU do this?" I asked. He looked away.


"He couldn't bear to hurt you." whispered August.

He didn't bite me, he couldn't. I don't know what to feel about that, I guess I could feel bad that he didn't. I'd rather have him do it than anyone, but It's kinda sweet that he won't hurt me.

I looked at him. I hated when he was sad. I walked over to him and gave him a hug. He needed this and so did I. There were a lot of things going through my mind and this hug is helping me. I loved him and I hate being mad at him. So I'm not going to be. I'm going to make the best of this! Being a vampire won't be ALL bad! Sure... my Dad, Rashae, and Axel won't know and I won't be home a lot. But I still will try to be home as much as I can. The only problem that I see ahead is werewolves. I've never been in a fight with one, but I don't think it'll be very pleasant.

"I'm not mad at you Slater! I know you were trying to save me! And I'm happy you did!"

He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. We were about to kiss... I pulled you away when August sighed.

"Invite your Dad and sibling over for breakfast tomorrow. We can talk about everything that will happen to you tomorrow." August said as she walked into the bathroom.

"WAIT! I have to tell him that I'm a VAMPIRE!?" I'm so confused.

"No! Our parents will talk and stuff while we take you training." August said.

"Are you parents okay with this?" I asked.

"They won't care... we are training a new vampire. My parents will be happy that you want to keep your identity safe." Slater said.

I nodded.

"Oh one thing, vampires don't sleep so this might be a long night..." August cut in.

"Hahaha! I'll manage!" I chuckled.

Slater kissed me on the cheek. I smiled then I walked toward the door.

"I got to get home." I said as I opened the door.

"We'll walk you home." August said.

I nodded. But the truth is, I don't want to walk! I want to run or fly! But I guess a full moon lighted walk would be nice, too. Outside was super nice and warm. A nice and warm night. And I was with Slater and August. They are the best. Then FINALLY... "Do you want to try and fly?" August asked.

"YESSSSS!!! FINALLY YOU ASKED ME THAT!!" I really want to fly!

They nodded then Slater rose off the ground. I looked up. He's so so SO hot!! Then he landed on the ground.

"Okay Reagan, sorta give yourself a jump. Not a big one though." he said.

I nodded then did a little hop. All of a sudden, my feet weren't touching the ground. I was hovering in the air. Then Slater and August joined me.

"Okay good! Now, try running in the air." August said.

"Before I do that... how do we get higher?" I really want to be higher.

"Well we just have to think of going up! Watch me." Slater said.

He started going up slowly then looked at me. He chuckled then went shooting up into the air. I sorta got how he did that. I thought of getting up to Slater, then zoom! I was right at his side... about 200ft from the ground.

"Alright, good, but don't-" I cut him off because I looked down and started panicking... and started falling.

"Panic." he finished.

He started zooming down to me then grabbed me and held me like a baby. I thought it was cute. He looked down at me then said, "Don't panic! It'll make you fall!"

I nodded.

"Okay, that's enough flying for tonight. Let's get you home." August said.

"HAHAHA! Okay!" I laughed. Then we started going down to the Earth.

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