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"Wake up!" Hazel frowned in her sleep. "Hazel! Wake up!" She snapped up, sitting on the bed, opening her eyes. "Come, come," her eyes adjusted to the light - or lack there of, and finally landed on Hermione. The girl had a horrified look on her face, hands intertwined over her chest, nervously.

"W-What?" Hazel rubbed her eyes, swinging her legs over the bed, onto the floor. She put on her slippers as she stood up. "What's happening? Why -"

"It's Arthur Weasley," the curly haired girl's words stopped her. "Harry's saying he's been attacked," Hazel's eyes widened, sleep immediately leaving her body. She grabbed the notebook from the side of the bed and quickly wrote down on the book, receiving no answer - he must be asleep. "Could you go wake up the twins? Ginny, Ron and Harry are already going to McGonagall for Dumbledore." Hazel nodded, grabbing her night robe and putting it on. "We'll see you in the Headmaster's office."

As fast as she could, Hazel rushed down the stairs, entering the common room and going back up to the boy's dormitories. She opened the door without knocking, walking over to her sleeping soulmate. "George, love, get up," she shook him awake.

The boy furrowed his eyebrows, a sleepy expression on his face. He's so cute. "Hazel?" His voice was raspy, low. He cleared his throat, sitting up. "What are you doing here, baby? Are you okay?" He murmured, eyeing her carefully, taking in her appearance.

Hazel nodded. "Get up, it's important," she told him before turning her attention to Fred. "Fred - Freddie," she shook the boy's shoulder, making him groan. "Fred, get up -" The older twin turned around with a scowl.

"What the fuck do you want?" He grumbled, clearly annoyed.

George was about to say something back to him when Hazel interrupted. "Harry think's your dad's been attacked," the twins sat up instantly, asking a hundred questions: what do you mean 'he thinks'? Attacked? Where? Is he okay? Is he here? What happened? "I don't know! I don't know," she hushed them. "C'mon, we're going to Dumbledore's office - they'll explain everything there," George and Fred got up quickly, putting on their sweaters and walking out.

The three of them ran towards the headmaster's office, wands out with Lumos to light their way. George held Hazel's hand on the way over, knocking hastily when they arrived. The door opened and the three of them entered without hesitation. The twins immediately walked towards their youngest sister, Hazel followed suit. "What happened?" Ginny was sitting down on a chair while Ron and Hermione stood on either side of Harry. McGonagall had her hand on the younger girl's shoulder, who had tears in her eyes. "What happened?" George asked again with more urgency.

"Mr. Potter had a dream - he was just explaining it to us..." Dumbledore started speaking. Fred, George and Hazel turned their attention to Harry, who was sweaty and panting for air. "In this dream, were you standing next to the victim or looking down at the scene?" He asked, not looking directly at the distraught boy.

Harry looked at the ground before shaking his head and looking back up. "Neither. It was like I -" he took deep breaths, pursing his lips. "Professor, will you please just tell me what's happening?"

The Professor ignored him completely, turning to the paintings. "Everard, Arthur's on guard duty tonight, make sure he's found by the right people," the man in the painting nodded and left without saying a thing.

"Sir -" tried Harry, Hermione put her hand on his shoulder.

"Phineas, you must go to your portrait at Grimmauld Place. Tell them that Arthur Weasley is gravely injured," the Headmaster spoke to another painting, who nodded, listening to the man intently. Hazel felt George gripping her hand tighter, she returned the gesture, knowing he was scared. "Let him know his children will be arriving there soon," Phineas nodded once more and disappeared.

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