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"Hazel!" Alicia screamed excitedly, running over to the raven haired girl, leaving Lee a few steps behind, embracing her friend in a big hug. "Happy belated Birthday!" She said with a smile, finally pulling away. Lee caught up after that, saying hi to George and Fred, who were standing near the girls.

"Happy late Birthday, Haze," said Lee, hugging the girl after Alicia was done.

Hazel grinned back at her friend, hugging her back before stepping away and hugging Lee as well. "Thank you, Ali!" Exclaimed Hazel, matching her level of excitement. "Thank you, Lee," she added with a smile. "I missed you both so much," she said honestly.

"I missed you, too!" Alicia replied before gasping. "This is such a pretty necklace! What is it?" She asked, taking Hazel's necklace into her hand, inspecting it as closely as she could.

"Oh," Hazel blushed at the memory, looking up at George with a shy expression. "It was George's gift to me," she said softly. George draped his arm around her shoulder. "It's a replica of his wand, just tiny; isn't it adorable?" She smiled at the thought.

"It's precious," Alicia sighed, holding her chest. "You guys are so in love, it almost makes me sick," she joked as Hazel chuckled, fiddling with George's fingers. "I think Angie's already inside," Alicia said, causing Fred's head to turn towards the Great Hall.

The older twin walked over there without a second thought, making them chuckle. They all walked behind him, witnessing the moment in which Angie saw him from afar. The dark skinned girl jumped up from her seat at the sight of him, kissing him softly, hands on his face. After that, they all said their hellos, hugging, sharing short stories from the holidays, exchanging gifts. Hermione and Ron shared an awkward embrace, which melted Hazel's heart. She knew Hermione must've been worried when she heard about what happened at the Quidditch World Cup.

"Alright, love?" George asked Hazel, making her snap out of her thoughts.

"Yeah," Hazel nodded with a small grin. She felt someone staring at her intently, making her gaze land directly on a certain Hufflepuff boy. Cedric. The handsome lad was looking her way, a friendly smile on his face. He nodded at her, which she returned curtly before turning her attention back to her friends.

"That's crazy!" Hermione shook her head as Harry finished telling the World Cup story. "You went back for him?" She asked the black haired girl, who nodded with a chuckle. "You must've been so worried," Hermione now spoke to George, who also nodded.

"It was an eventful night," Hazel settled on saying, a sigh leaving her lips. "But we're all okay, which is what matters," she put her hand on George's leg reassuringly, making him smile. "How about you, what did you do over the summer?" She asked Lee, who shrugged.

"Nothing much really," he chuckled, putting his arms on top of the table. "Oi, you were supposed to show me those sweets you'd developed," Lee suddenly realised, making the twins' faces fall. "Or that's what you said in your last letter to me... what happened?"

Fred whined as he remembered. "Mum threw them away after our O.W.L. results came in," he muttered, making Lee sigh and shake his head.

"We spent six months developing them," George said sadly, before shrugging it off. "I guess we could make them again? Try with the old formula?" He suggested as Fred tilted his head.

"Or," Hazel pulled out a small black bag, handing it to George with a sly smile. George took it, opened it and gasped at what was inside. "Your mum threw them in the bin but they had just taken the trash out that morning so it was clean. I just took them when no one was looking," Fred's eyes widened as he saw the sweets in the bag. "I thought it would be best if I waited until we were here to give them to you, in case she checked you again."

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