Chapter 2

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Minho POV
We are coming up to this old looking warehouse, everyone has taken shifts for sleep on this ride. I'm not sure if we should trust our so-called rescuers. y/n was cuddled up against Newt, Newt was drifting in and out of sleep, Gally and Thomas were playing chopsticks, and Fry and Winston were asleep against both windows. Their faces looked so funny. We land and the crew starts freaking out, the guy across from me is screaming "Cranks." We are practically shoved off the helicopter and told to run.

Newt POV
I'm shaken awake by one of the guys on the helicopter and was told to run. "Hey y/n, you have to get up, we've got to go," she opened her eyes and growled at me. Never wake her up, it's a dangerous task but we didn't have time for that. Everyone was freaking out and shooting at these creatures that were running toward us. She finally got up and punched me. "What the heck?" I ask. "That's for waking me up," she leans over and kisses me, "and that's for making sure I don't die." She laughs "now come on, you woke me up for a reason, let's go." She hopped out of the helicopter and started to run. It took me a minute to realize what had just happened but then someone yelled "GO" and it snapped me back to reality.

y/n POV
We were welcomed into the warehouse by this middle-aged man. As he explains what this place is he keeps eyeing me weirdly. He reminded me of a rat. I know I've just met the guy but I don't trust him. He gives me an uneasy feeling. He told us that we would stay here until they could ship us off to a safer and more permanent home. In the meantime, we should shower up and get rid of our awful smell. It felt so nice to have a real shower. The showers in the glade were just buckets of water and we had to make it work more or less. It was nice to have an only girl shower room. There was less of a chance that some idiot guy would come in or steal my clothes; again. When I was all showered up one of the guards escorted me to a room. When I got there Thomas was sitting there as well as the ratman from before. "Ah y/n, I'm glad you could make it, take a seat," he replies slowly and sweetly. I hesitantly pulled out the chair and sat down. "So back to the topic, I understand both of you used to work for WCKD, Thomas in programming and y/n in the lab," he continues. What the heck I used to work with the enemy, my face must have shown a flash of disgust. "Yes y/n, you used to work side by side with WCKD, I've heard you were one of their best scientists. So that begs the question, where does your loyalty lie," he questions with a sly smirk spreading on his face. I glance at Thomas and we share a nod, "our loyalty lies with us, our friends, and relationships," he states quickly. The last part grabbed the ratman's interest "relationships, are you two?" he pointed at Thomas and me. I shake my head but Thomas opens his big mouth and tells him "not us but y/n and Newt." "I see, well you better get back to your friends and well y/n your boyfriend." He gets up and walks towards the door. As he opens it he pauses and opens his mouth to say something but closes it and walks out. I punch Thomas in the arm, hard. "What the heck was-," I cut him off, "I don't trust him and you opened your big mouth and told him the information he didn't need to know. Have I taught you nothing? 1. Never share things that don't need to be shared, 2. Don't show any weakness and 3. Don't show emotion. Damn it Thomas you are one dumb shank." I sighed getting up to leave the room. It's been a long night and I need to sleep. I followed one of the guards back to my room and drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

................Time Skip..............

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