//13// Ashton waters, you the man

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It’s been nearly 3 weeks since they left America and there’s still no update or sign as to where they are at the moment. Crescent’s birthday is almost a week away and I want her to celebrate it here, but I know she would celebrate it wherever she is right now. I just hope she’s okay and doing well. I haven’t been going to school lately, my studies has been dropping and I just stay at home most of the time, thinking and thinking where crescent went and what was the sole purpose as to why she went there. I don’t have any news about chase and Kristen but I know they go to my school now. I have no mood to fight them and throw punches so that’s why I barely even go to school. Justin, Ashton and Austin has had sleepless nights looking for crescent with me, they also barely go to school now. I’ve sent crescent almost a thousand text messages and probably 500 to rosy. I’ve checked with my parents if I could use their private jet to go find crescent but they told me now wasn’t the right time. I’ve done everything I could but I still don’t know where they are and why they’re there. For all I know, crescent could be having another relationship with another man. That thought has crossed my mind multiple times now and I just shudder at the thought of my crescent in the arms of another man.

“Cross, you want anything?” Justin asked as he grabbed his car keys together with his phone as well as his wallet.

“I’m good. There’s still food in the fridge though.” I answered back. I’m in no mood to eat.

“Cool. Ashton will be over in any minute so he can accompany you while I’m gone.”

“That’s great. Where are you going?”

“To the mall to meet an old friend of mine.”


“See ya.”

He closed the door to my room and seconds later I heard the front door close as well. Now what? I’m home alone, with probably no food and nobody to entertain me. I guess I should just sleep again.

Ash: hey buddy. I’ll be over in any second now; I’m turning to your street already. See ya.

Me: cool. See ya.

The last time I had Ashton over which was a week ago, Justin got mad at me and gave me the silent treatment for 3 straight days because Ash and me had food war so we used every food and drink we had in the house and threw it at each other. That was fun. I hope today is going to be just as fun too.

If you’re not so lazy it won’t be as productive.

Stop commenting, brain. You’re supposed to side me not be against me.

Crescent’s gone.

It’s my entire fault she left. History is repeating itself and this time, it’s much more badly. Just because of one night, everything can go completely wrong. Why cross? Why now then you choose to regret all your choices? You have a brain, use it. I stared up at the ceiling; somehow the white color reminds me of all the times Crescent and me were together. From that moment she hated me, until the point I even tried to commit suicide just for her to be mine. Then I saw chase kiss her, everything in me just wanted to give up. I didn’t even tried to her reason because I was so naïve. What if she’s doing what I tried to do with Demetria? I keep blaming all these people when it’s my fault, when I’m the sole reason for everything. From Kristen to Stacy and now, Crescent.

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