Day Two [Part III]

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"Are you ready to behave, Danny?"

The knife glided through the air in a smooth arc to bury itself into the man's shoulder. Before he could cry out, I had already bounded up the steps and slammed his head into the wall behind him with a muted thud that vibrated my arm all the way to the elbow.

He and his cigarette crumbled to my feet the moment I let go. I crushed the smouldering death stick beneath my boot and I let out a long breath that condensed to fog right in front of me.

I reached down to retrieve the knife, taking care not to aggravate the wound it had caused as I did. I wiped its sides on the man's coat before slipping it between my fingers, glad that I had managed to take him by surprise. The cold had made him slow and lazy, and it had saved me a lot of energy.

Stepping over his body, I leaned towards the window, not surprised to see Daniel tied to a chair and bleeding from... everywhere.

did wince when the woman in front of him reared back her arm and slapped him so hard that his head snapped to the side so forcefully that I almost heard the crack despite the loudness of the wind.

"Where is it?" I read her lips. "Where did you hide it?"

Daniel spat a thick glob of blood on her boot then grinned wide, charmingly as though his gums weren't bleeding. "You'll have to kill me before I tell you, darling."

"You…" She whipped out a dirk from her belt and pressed it to his throat, the muscles in her own neck tensing. "Don't tempt me, cub."

I knew that I should have been more concerned about the kid, but my eyes were glued to the knife and the woman's pale skin. Again, Daniel had tangled himself with someone who wasn't a Carmosino, meaning that other people wanted him dead. A lot of them.

Which also means that I'm royally screwed.

I knocked on the frosted glass twice then dropped to a crouch when the woman turned in my direction. I focused on the frigid winter air as it slowly filled my lungs and concentrated on her footsteps as they got closer and closer.

I needed to disarm her quickly, without alerting whoever else was in the room. And I needed to do it without accidentally snapping her pretty neck.

I tightened my fingers around my knife, considering briefly whether it was humane to use the same blade for two different people.

It probably wasn't, but I didn't have time to worry about that.

As I exhaled, the window was lifted open with a noisy screech.

I shot to my feet as the woman looked out, crushing her head beneath the top of the window frame, her throat pinned by my shoulder.

I felt her gag against my collar bone—felt her surprise as she realized that she could no longer breath.

I stabbed the knife into the arm holding the dirk, not giving her the chance to swing it at me. Now, I had gotten Daniel's attention. He looked at me with wide, panicked eyes as I pulled the woman out of the apartment by the neck, thankful to the wind for covering up her pitiful attempts to scream.

She glared at me when I kicked the dirk off the fire escape and pulled her to her feet, but I didn't even flinch when she attempted to knee me in the groin.

I let go of her immediately. She stumbled back and held her arms up. "You just made the most terrible mistake of your life," she hissed.

I held up the knife that was still stained with her blood then raised an eyebrow. "I don't think so."

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