chapter 3 - hug me tight

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Eddie was afraid. He was happy and relieved to be with Richie, of course. But he was afraid. He trusted his mother, he believed everything she said. The words kept repeating in his head, again and again. 'If you go in the forest, you'll die.' Again and again. Again and again. Eddie started to have a panic attack. Richie had experienced Eddie having one before. He sat on the ground with Eddie next to him and grabbed his inhaler.
"It's going to be okay." Eddie took a few puffs and started to breathe in and out. Richie's words kept repeating in his mind and got him to calm down. "You okay?" Richie asked, his hand on Eddie's back. Eddie took a few deep breaths and turned to Richie,
"I'm fine. It's okay." Richie knew something was off.
"We can go back if you want?"
"No, I like being here with you." Eddie smiled a bit, and Richie's arm grabbed around Eddie, hugging him.
Eddie's secret was much similar to Richie's. He was in love with Richie. But, his mom was a full on homophobe and always pushed it on Eddie. 'Gay people will die, Gay people will get sick forever.' She would constantly say that to him. Over and over again. Eddie knew, so obviously, that it was all bullshit. I mean, really? You'd die for loving someone the same gender as you? No way. Sometimes, Eddie felt like he never wanted to go back home.

He wanted to stay with Richie forever.

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