Chapter 3

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Cheryl arrived at school with her brother Jason as normal. She was still mad at him for pulling her away from the Serpents yesterday. But at least she was at school, somewhere where she felt like she had some control over her life. She made her way to the entrance of the school where Veronica was waiting for her. Veronica was another rich girl in Riverdale, not as harsh as Cheryl could be but definitely stood up for herself if she needed to.

'Hey Cheryl have you heard?' 'Heard what?' Cheryl replied. Before Veronica could answer the sound of roaring motorcycles got their attention. 'What are they doing here' Cheryl spat. 'That's what I was going to tell you' Veronica said 'Southside High has closed, some of the students have been enrolled here'.
'Absolutely not!' Cheryl eyed them taking off their helmets as they walked past her, leather jackets and all. At the back on the pack was the short girl from the diner. 'Toni' Cheryl had a flashback of her dream from the night before.
The girl just smirked at her as she strolled by. 'Absolutely not' Cheryl repeated.

Cheryl marched to Principal Weatherbees office, shoved the door open, before he could even speak she shouted 'what's going on? There's no way I'm allowing these thugs into our school!'
'I'm sorry Miss Blossom but these are our new students and you will do well to make them feel welcome'.
With a huff Cheryl turned on her heel and stormed out hearing the bell for her first period.

Her day so far wasn't interrupted by the fact that the serpents were at her school, that is until it came to lunch time. She headed to the student lounge and came to a halt when she saw the gang members laughing and joking on the couches.
Cheryl got her game face on and confidently walked up to them. 'You need to leave, you don't belong here'. 'Oh yeah why don't you come over here and say that to my face'. 'Happily queen of the buskers'. As soon Toni stood so did all of her friends ready to defend her.
The Bulldogs were also immediately behind Cheryl, ready for a fight if necessary. After all it was their school first. Veronica and Jughead tried to come between the two groups of teenagers but anything they said was falling on deaf ears.
'YOU AND YOU WITH ME... NOW' Mr Weatherbee shouted from the door pointing at the two face to face girls. 'EVERYONE ELSE GET TO CLASS'. Cheryl stood still as stone unwilling to give in first, Toni huffed and followed Mr Weatherbee with Cheryl in tow rolling her eyes.

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