Chapter 33

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Veronica and Cheryl arrived at the small airport, Veronica had pulled into a car parking space. 'Cheryl are you sure about this? You can stay with me?' Veronica said a tear running down her cheek at the thought of her best friend leaving her.

'I can't see them together V, it would kill me, this is for the best' Cheryl leaned in hugging Veronica tight 'thanks for always being there for me Ronnie, you're the best friend a girl could ask for, I'll contact you when I'm safe and settled but please keep it to yourself'.

'Of course' she said pulling away and wiping the tears from under her eyes 'go takeover the world Cheryl Bombshell' Veronica laughed sadly.

Cheryl gave her friend one last smile before opening the door and leaving to catch a plane that would get her far away from here. Veronica made her way back to Riverdale and decided not to leave her house until Toni had returned.

It had been two days and the serpents were on their way back to Riverdale, the signal had been awful so Toni hadn't been able to contact Cheryl. As soon as signal popped up in the corner of her phone screen a text message popped up from Cheryl.


I can't believe you did this to me Toni, I loved you.

Read 15.03pm

'What the fuck' Toni said out loud.

'Everything alright Tiny?' Sweetpea asked.

'I don't know i need to call Cheryl'. Toni tried Cheryl's phone multiple times but was met with no answer. She tried Veronica.

'Toni what do you want?' Toni was a bit taken back at Veronica's tone.

'Hi V. I'm trying to get in contact with Cheryl but she's not answering have you seen her?'

'How far away are you from Riverdale?' Veronica asked.

'About 30 minutes, has something happened?' Toni asked.

'I'll meet you at your trailer' Veronica hung up the phone.

Toni huffed back into her seat wondering what the hell was going on now. The boys tried to ask if she was okay but she wasn't in the mood to talk. The next 30 minutes dragged but Toni was finally home and she couldn't wait to see Cheryl, she had missed her so much. Toni was surprised to see Winter sat on her step waiting for her. Toni pulled her bags out of the truck and approached the girl on her step as the boys drove away, she noticed the bruise on her cheek. Before she got a chance to speak to Winter Veronica pulled up slamming on her breaks. She jumped out of her car fuming. She marched straight up to Winter and punched her straight in the face.

'VERONICA WHAT THE HELL' Toni said pushing her away and helping Winter up.

Veronica's eyes dart to Toni 'That's right help your little girlfriend, i hope she was worth it, you two deserve each other'.

'V what are you talking about?' Toni said she couldn't grasp what was happening right now 'where's Cheryl?'

'After your little girlfriend here decided to come clean about your affair to Cheryl, Cheryl gave her that lovely bruise on her face and now my best friend has left Riverdale for good. I hope you're both happy'.

'What affair, I don't understand, Winter what is she talking about'.

'Let me spell it out for you' Veronica stepped forward inches away from Toni's face 'Winter here showed Cheryl the text messages between the two of you, photos and videos as well. Cheryl's gone for good and not even I know where, I lost my best friend because of you and now I'll probably never see her again'.

Veronica stomped to her car door, tears running down her face, slamming the door and speeding away. Toni turned around to Winter on the floor, she was furious 'show me whatever you showed Cheryl... NOW!'. Winter reached into her pocket and showed Toni what she asked for. 'You set me up, you bitch' Toni grabbed Winter up by her collar. 'We can be together again now, like it should be' Winter cried. 'You're delusional, you've lost me everything' Toni threw Winter across the gravel 'get the fuck out of here'. Toni stormed into her trailer slamming the door without so much as looking back.

She sat on her couch and tried to call Cheryl again, she heard ringing coming from her bedroom, she got up and walked towards the sound. When she opened the door Toni was sure she felt her heart crack in half, she picked up Cheryl's phone and something else caught her eye, it was the locket she had gave Cheryl for their anniversary. She sat on the bed not knowing what to do, but cry. She knew Cheryl wasn't coming home.

It had been months and Toni still wasn't used to being in the trailer alone without Cheryl, she wished for her to come back every single day but it never happened. The serpents had threatened Winter to leave town for good and she did, Veronica wanted nothing to do with Toni, she didn't believe her about what had happened and she wouldn't give her any information about Cheryl. She wasn't even sure that Cheryl had contacted Veronica. From the day Toni had realized Cheryl had left, the Serpent had closed herself off from the world she had a void in her eyes, she didn't realize that thousands of miles away Cheryl had the exact same void.

|This is the end of this story but there is going to be a sequel, don't worry!|

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