Chapter 7

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Cheryl decides to walk to school today. Jason is worrying about how much she seems to have cut out the rest of the world since the serpents came to Riverdale High.
As soon as she reaches the school doors she hears her name being called, she freezes and turns around, it's a certain pink haired girl.
'Hey Cheryl'
'Hey look i've gotta get to class' Cheryl replied trying to look confident.
'Cool me too, I'll walk you?'
Cheryl rolls her eyes but doesn't reply, turns around and makes her way to art class with Toni in tow.
'So...' Toni says 'you like art?'
'Yes' Cheryl replies entering the classroom not realising Toni is in the same lesson.
Cheryl takes her usual seat and Toni finds one at the back of the room. Once the bell rings Cheryl is out like a shot. Toni isn't surprised.
The day goes pretty quick and it's time for detention again. Same as yesterday Cheryl is there first, she hopes that Toni doesn't bother her this time though. She was wrong.

Once Toni comes in she takes the seat next to Cheryl. But this time Toni doesn't speak. It's silent until the last five minutes before Cheryl decides to speak. 'I heard you turned my brother down for a date?' 'Yeah sorry about that, I didn't want to hurt his feelings'. 'What's wrong, redheads not your type?' Cheryl said sarcastically. 'Actually I like redheads, I'm just not really into boys'. Cheryl's head shot up, Toni winked and left the classroom. Cheryl couldn't figure out what that meant. She sat for a minute, a text message pulling her out of her thoughts.

Hey you wanna hang out tonight?
Read 4.05pm

Sure, meet you at pops in 10
Read 4.06pm

Ok see you there!
Read 4.06 pm

'So where have you been? We haven't seen too much of you this week?' Veronica asked.
'I've just been busy with school work, sorry'. Cheryl said sipping her milkshake.
'Cheryl Blossom apologising, I'd never thought I'd see the day!'
'Haha very funny' Cheryl said looking down.
'Soooo I heard Jason asked Toni on a date and got turned down, I'm not surprised I thought he knew she was into girls'. Veronica said watching Cheryl closely.
'Well I didn't know either so it doesn't seem like everyone knows'.
'Speaking of Toni, I invited her'. 'WHAT!'
'She's my friend Cheryl I think you'll both get along if you give her a chance' just as Veronica finishes her sentence the bell rings. Toni walks over to their table.
'Please' Veronica whispers.
'Fine, but don't blame me when it all goes wrong' Cheryl quickly responds.
'Hey Ronnie, erm hey Cheryl' Toni smiles.
'Hey' they both say in unison, one more enthusiastic than the other.
Toni chooses to sit next to Veronica, the conversation is awkward at first but soon loosens up a little once Veronica takes the lead. Cheryl sits there mostly just playing with her straw.
'So Toni, have you seen anyone at Riverdale High whose caught your eye yet?' Veronica asks.
'Actually there might be someone but she doesn't really know me yet'.
Veronica smiles, 'maybe we can help you with this mystery girl, right Cheryl?'
'Erm sure' Cheryl was in awe but also jealous at how Toni just felt comfortable being herself when she couldn't even look herself in the eye when she looked in the mirror.
'What about you Cheryl, any boys that have caught your eye this year?' Veronica asks.
'No' Cheryl simply replies, she knows she's not out but it makes it harder when people assume she's straight.
At the mention of boys Toni slightly deflates. 'Hey maybe you two should exchange numbers, get to know each other better since we're all friends?' Veronica asks with a plan, she's noticed how Cheryl looks at Toni and she has a pretty good idea whose Tonis crush is. Toni writes her number on a napkin and slides it across the table to Cheryl. Cheryl only smiles 'I'll text you my number later'.
The evening soon comes to a end, the girls part ways and Veronica takes Cheryl home.

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