Chapter 25

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Cheryl bit her cheek at Winters name being on Toni's iPhone screen. 'What does it say?' Cheryl asked trying to keep a level head. Toni used her thumbprint to unlock her phone and clicked on the notification.

Hi Toni, it's me Winter. I just wanted to see if you was up for that meet up at Pops? Nothing deep just a catch up as friends? If that's alright with Cheryl?
Read 12.02

'She just wants to catch up as friends? What do you think babe?' Toni looked at Cheryl letting her read the text message. Cheryl took the phone from Toni's hands rereading the last sentence. That girl was definitely up to something but she had no reason to not trust Toni, she passed her the phone back 'It's up to you TT you deserve any answers you need'.
'I don't need any answers, I just want to make sure she knows you're the one I'm with now and that Winter and I will only ever be friends' Toni grabbed a hold of Cheryl's hand 'if that's okay with you?'.
'Of course Toni, I'm not the boss of you, you do what you need to' Cheryl pulled Toni's hand to her cheek and kissed her palm.

I'll meet you at Pops around 6pm if that's good for you?
Read 12.17

Perfect, I'll be waiting.
Read 12.19

Toni didn't reply to Winters last message, she pulled her girl into a hug. 'I love you Cheryl Bombshell' Toni laughed.
'I love you too Tiny Topaz' Cheryl laughed back kissing her girlfriends forehead.

The day was dragging by, both girls not wanting to leave the trailer until this mess with Winter was resolved and she knew that Toni was serious about Cheryl. 'What are you gonna do while I'm gone?' Toni asked looking down at Cheryl who had her head in the girls lap. Cheryl looked up from the TV 'I'm not sure maybe I'll see if Ronnie wants to come around for a few hours'.
'Sounds good, I should get ready soon' Toni said making no attempt to move. Cheryl groaned, not wanting the girl to leave but she knew she had to let Toni do this. She lifted her head from Toni's lap so her girlfriend could go get ready. Once Toni had let go to shower and get ready Cheryl pulled her phone from her pocket.

Hey V, Toni's going to meet Winter at Pops and I wondered if you wanted to come over?
Read 5.00pm

She is? Yeah sure I'll be there what time?
Read 5.02pm

Around 6 if that's alright with you?
Read 5.03pm

That's fine Cheryl, I'll see you soon.
Read 5.05pm

Veronica put her phone back in her pocket she had a bad feeling about this but she would do anything she could to support her friends. She went to get ready to spend the evening with Cheryl.

'Babe I'm about to leave' Toni said walking into the living room 'do you need anything while I'm out?'.
'No babe I'm fine' Cheryl stood up to kiss her girlfriend goodbye.
Toni returned the kiss before saying 'if Winter accepts that we are together, would it bother you if we still had a friendship?'.
Cheryl looked Toni in the eyes 'as long as you're honest with me and there's no chance of anything happening between the two of you' she took a breath 'I don't mind you being friends'.
'Nothing will ever happen with Winter, I promise, I need to go babe, I'll be home soon' Toni leaned in for one more kiss before heading to leave. As she opened the door she jumped back. Veronica was standing there about to knock. 'Hey Ronnie' Toni said slipping past her. Before Veronica even had time to reply Toni had jumped on her bike and left. Ignoring the speed that the serpent had left the trailer Veronica stepped in to see Cheryl sitting on the couch.
'Hey girl you okay?' Veronica said taking a seat next to her bestie.
'I'm fine, I have to trust her Ronnie she's gave me no reason not to and I'm not gonna be the girl that controls her girlfriends life'.
'It's not Toni I'm worried about' Veronica thought to herself as Cheryl leaned against her friends side to watch the tv in comfortable silence. Veronica knew Cheryl just needed her for support and she's glad she could be there for her.

As Toni pulled up to Pops she saw Winter already inside. She jumped off her bike hanging her helmet on the handle. She took a couple of breaths before walking into the diner. 'Hey Toni' Winter stood suddenly pulling Toni into a hug. Toni pulled away and sat down opposite Winter 'Hi Winter'. This felt wrong to Toni she felt like she was betraying Cheryl just by sitting at the same table as this girl. Winter spoke up pulling Toni from her thoughts 'I've ordered your favourite, my treat' she smiles brightly.
'Erm yeah thanks' Toni replied awkwardly 'look Winter, I hope you know we can only ever be friends, I'm with Cheryl now and I love her. I just wanted to get that out there so there's no misunderstandings'.
'Of course Toni, that's all I want is for us to be friends' Winter smiled back, Toni oblivious to Winters obsession with getting her back.
'Great' Toni smiled loosening up satisfied that they were both happy remaining friends.

They chatted and once their food had arrived they quietly ate. 'So Cheryl, she treats you right?' Winter asked, the words sour coming out of her mouth but she knew she'd have to tolerate the redhead to get close to Toni, at least for now.
'Yeah she's amazing, I'm pretty sure she's the one' Toni smiles. Toni was generally good at reading people's intentions but with Winter she couldn't, even when they we're together.
'That's really great' Winter replied rolling her eyes when Toni wasn't looking. Toni's phone pinged stopping the current conversation.

I'm really sorry to interrupt babe but Sweetpea and Fangs are here, we forgot they were coming.
Read 6.40pm

Oh shit, sorry babe. Tell them I'll be home soon and to wait for me.
Read 6.42pm

Okay I love you.
Read 6.42pm

I love you.
Read 6.45pm

'I'm really sorry Winter I'm gonna have to cut this short, Sweet and Fangs are at my place and I completely forgot they was coming' Toni said an apologetic look on her face. Winter needed to think of something fast, she didn't want her time with Toni to end yet.
'I'll come, I've missed those guys too' Winter quickly spoke.
'I mean Cheryl lives with me and I'm not sure how she'll feel about that'. Toni said thinking of her girl waiting for her to come home.
'I'm sure she won't mind, I mean we are strictly friends now right?'.
'I guess, okay let's go'. Toni got up her phone in hand, she unlocked it to text Cheryl.

Don't be mad okay?
Delivered 7.00pm

Toni slid her phone into her leather jacket and made her way to her bike assuming Winter would follow in her car. As she sat on her bike she realises Winter is behind her. 'I've missed this bike' she says climbing on and wrapping her arms around Toni.
'Cheryl is gonna lose it' Toni thought but it was too late to back out now, she started up her engine and headed home.

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