Chapter 18

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The first week of being with Toni at school had been strange for Cheryl. She was used to people being intimidated by her or just avoiding her completely but now she gets smiles from her peers, people looked generally happy to she her with Toni. There was a part of Cheryl that's been softened by Toni and people noticed it. It was Friday afternoon and Cheryl was waiting for her last class to end.

'Can Miss Blossom please come to the principle office' the speaker called.
Everyone let out a oooohhh Cheryl glared at her classmates they shut up instantly. She was still Cheryl Blossom after all. She made eye contact with Veronica before she left, she had no idea why she was being summoned.

When she got outside the office her stomach dropped. Inside sat her parents, she was about to turn around when Principal Weatherbee waved her in.
'Take a seat Cheryl' he said.
She didn't even make eye contact with her parents but she could feel their eyes burning into her.
'We've missed you so much honey, we need you to come home, it's not the same without you' her mother said acting like a concerned parent in front of the Principal.
'Yes darling you're coming home with us' Clifford smiled.
Cheryl felt sick, no matter how much her parents hurt her, called her names she's never been able to disobey them. Unknowingly to her parents though Cheryl had changed so much in the past few weeks, Toni had made her brave. 'Toni' she thought.

She stood up so suddenly that even her parents flinched a little. 'I'm not going anywhere with you' she screamed, years of anger vomiting out of her mouth 'I'm finally happy and I won't allow you to ruin it. You've never wanted me what's different now? Because you don't want people seeing who your daughter really is? Deviant? Disobedient?... Gay?' Cheryl smirked looking her dad directly in his eyes 'Sorry to burst your bubble daddy'.
'Don't be ridiculous Cheryl, this is just a phase. I'm sorry for her behaviour Mr Weatherbee Cheryl hasn't been well lately'.

Veronica peeked through the principals window.
'Shit' she whispered pulling out her phone.

Cheryl's parents are in the principals office with Cheryl, I think they're gonna force her to go with them.
Read 3.15pm

Over my dead body. Meet me outside the schools entrance now bring the rest of the guys.
Read 3.16pm

'Cheryl this is getting silly now. UP!' Clifford grabbed hold of Cheryl's arm dragging her out of the office, no matter how hard she tried to resist she was no match for her father.
'Apologies again principal' Penelope nodded following her husband.

Clifford dragged her through the school, out the double doors and towards the schools gate. All of a sudden Clifford stops his grasp on Cheryl tightening. As Cheryl looks up at her father she sees them, she sees her.

The serpents are stood at the gate along with her friends. Tonis eyes catch Cheryl's as she steps forward.
'Let go of her, she doesn't want to go with you!' Toni said without an ounce of fear.
'Cheryl is sick and she needs help, she has you all fooled' Clifford bit back.
'Toni' Cheryl whispered barely audible but Toni heard it, she felt it in her soul.
'You..' Clifford spat realising who the girl was  'you forced yourself on our daughter, twisted her mind to make her think she was like you, disgusting. Cheryl will get better but not why you are around influencing her'.
The air was thick with tension.
'You let her go' Toni calmly said again. The sound of switch blades being pulled out behind her as the serpents stepped forward.
'Have it your way but remember Cheryl actions have consequences' Clifford threw Cheryl across the concrete like she was a rag doll.
Toni ran to Cheryl and bent down to the ground, she held her close and placed a small kiss on her lips glad she was safe in her arms.
This infuriated Clifford, he launched towards the girls not caring who was watching.
The serpents moved in faster, ready to protect the girls by any means necessary. Fangs pushed Clifford back, as he hit the ground Sweetpea picked him up by his shirt 'leave'.

Once Sweetpea let go, Clifford dusted down his suit 'come along Penelope' he said walking away without looking at his wife. As he reached Cheryl he looked down at her 'you won't be protected by the snakes forever stupid girl'.

The teenagers watched Cheryl's parents get into their car and once she was sure they was gone Toni looked at Cheryl 'Are you alright Cher?'. 'I'm fine nothing I'm not used to' Cheryl smiled sadly 'thank you, all of you, i don't know what I would've done without you all'.
'Anytime' Fangs and Sweetpea said at the same time.
'Come on let's get you home' Veronica said leaning down and helping Toni to get her girlfriend off the ground. They got Cheryl into the car and headed back to Veronicas house.

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