Chapter 9

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The bell rang for school to start. Cheryl didn't see Toni all day and wondered if she had made it to school or not. The day went as uneventful as it could and it was soon time for detention, Cheryl wasn't even sure Toni would show.
She took her normal seat by the window when she heard someone come in.

'Hey Cheryl' Toni smiles 'Hello Toni' Cheryl tries to smile back. 'Hey are you ok? You seem down'. 'I'm fine Toni just a little fed up I guess' Cheryl said back before she could stop herself. 'What's wrong?' Toni questioned. 'It's nothing' Cheryl sighed back.
Toni reached over to place her hand on Cheryl's. Cheryl froze she was not used to human contact. 'Hey I'm your friend remember, you can talk to me'. Cheryl just looked down trying to hold in the tears of the years worth of sadness and loneliness. Cheryl for some reason felt like she could trust Toni, just felt comfortable in her presence.
'Sometimes I just feel alone, every one just tolerates me and that's fine. But when it's suppose to be people that love you it kind of hurts' Cheryl backtracks 'I sound silly, I don't know what's wrong with me'.
'You don't sound silly Cheryl, you sound like you need someone, I can be that person for you, I would love to be your friend'. Cheryl smiled in response a single tear running down her cheek. Toni wipes it away and just looks at Cheryl seeing into her soul.
Someone coughs at the door, both girls with eyes wide turn around. 'Since you girls seem to have solved your problems you may leave and you'll have no detention tomorrow, have a nice evening' and with that Mr Weatherbee turns back towards his office.
Cheryl jumps up to leave before she gets to the door Toni speaks up 'Hey if you ever want to talk I'm here for you'. 'Thanks' Cheryl says running out of the room.

Toni smiles at the small interaction with Cheryl but her heart also aches for this lonely girl with the world on her shoulders. She packs up her stuff and makes her way home like any other day.

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