Chapter Ten

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                                                            Chapter Ten

Dalziel finds her way to the lower portion of the ship. It's guarded by two soldiers. They look like loyalist rather than droids. She can see them, but they can't see her. She surprises them and pops both of them twice, as she makes her way to the containment cells. There is a man at the desk. He reaches to sound the alarm and he shoots his hand, blows at least three of his fingers off. The man holds his hand close to his body as it bleeds. "Tell me where Doctor Roi Sungari is being held. If you don't you'll lose more than just a few fingers." She kicks him over in his chair and stands over him while he's on the floor.

"He's being held in the Kwarina's residence along with the Major's family.”

"The Major? How many?" Dalziel asked.

"His wife and four daughters." Dalziel looked at him. Then Dalziel proceeded to tie and gag the guard. Two soldiers were coming to relieve the gate keeper Dalziel met them with two pops each. Dalziel rummaged through the guard's desk and found a printed floor plan for the ship. This lead her to deduce Sarang's private quarters is on the third deck of the ship. Dalziel didn't have any way to communicate with her team. So she took the guard's radio and side arm, then knocked out the guard. The radio had an ear piece attachment  and she listened for any chatter in case things went south.

Mau, Troi and Phatty met droid soldiers. They were in the midst of a gun fight. Phatty gave hand signals indicating there were seven droids. Mau cloaked himself and suddenly sparks began to fly on one droid and then another, and another until all the droids were down. More troops came running up from behind them. Mau attacked them with his tevlarainium sword and cuts down fifteen loyalist and droids.

“Ms. McCaine, come with me please,” he said with a sense of dire urgency.

"General, I'm not finished yet!" JYoti said. Dalbec grabbed her arm and began pulling her away from the counter measures panel. JYoti hadn't finished installing the unit that would short circuit all of their electronics and computers when they tried to start the ship.

"Ms. McCaine, you are quite finished. We are under attack. He swung her around to face him. Were you followed and don't lie? JYoti shed her hooded cloak and hit Dalbec in the throat. He grabbed his throat and he had trouble breathing. JYoti, now in Bast battle gear, was ready when five loyalist soldiers came running toward her with guns drawn. She spun around and threw five cat claw shirukens which hit them straight between the eyes. Dalbec tried to grab Bast and she kicked him in the face and he flipped and landed on his face. Spider legs began to rip from his synthetic flesh and clothes. Bast drew her tevlarainium sword and leaped into the air and came and came straight down on the back of Dalbec. The sword ran through the floor. Dalbec is dead. "The bastard shudda just fought me, instead of trying to turn into spiderman. Like any bug you'll get squished! Eeeewwww, I hate bugs!" Mau chimed in on Bast's internal com link.

"Bast, We are on the third deck making our way down. Meet us in the middle," Mau said.

"I haven't finished installing the unit," Bast said.

"Don't worry about that now, we're under fire!"

"I'm on my way!" Bast headed toward the deck doors and decapitated the droids that tried to come through. She took two of their guns. She strapped one on and had the other at the ready.

Dalziel and Bast arrived on deck three virtually at the same time, joining Mau, Troi, and Phatty. "According to the layout of the ship Sarang's residence should be on this deck. This is where the hostages are," Dalziel said.

"I know that she's been alerted by now. And here comes the cavalry," said Mau. Both droids and Spliftan Loyalist converged to protect Sarang's residential quarters. The soldiers began firing upon them and Dalziel shielded them from the fire.

The Black Mau Chronicles: New World Order~Viscera SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now