Chapter Nine

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                                                                   Chapter Nine

Shahondradon—03:42 :00

Palmer was sitting on the terrace deck of the starship. He was thinking about how beautiful the stars and how peaceful things are out here in space. He could see the Earth and the moon. He could see the space station museum in the distance. He was in a planetarium, except it was all real and not projected. He's been to the off planet resorts when he and Amanda would go on vacation. "Amanda, my darling Amanda...are you out there? In heaven somewhere as part of the one. I miss you so much. He took another sip of his single malt scotch. The Prime Minister of England David Spencer walked in. "May I join you?"

"Oh David, come in and have a drink with me." said Palmer.

"I don't mind if I do. He pours a drink and sits in the seat across from him. You know Mr. President...Palmer interrupts.

"David, we are after hours. Call me Mike!" The Prime Minister looked at POTUS in his eyes as he puffed on a cigarette.

"Might I bother you for one of those too?" Palmer smiled and tossed him the pack.

"Since when do smoke?" asked Palmer. The prime minister smiled and then chuckled.

"I don't. Not really. It just feels right to do right now. Relaxing...You know, I don't really know what to think of all this. We're up against forces unlike anything we've ever encountered. This war can't be won. The Earth will never be the same. Palmer looks across to the prime minister.

"David, we are in a situation where we have to look to the future. Sarang has had this moment planned before she came on the scene as Von Strader. She used our faith and hopes as a tool against us. The Bible warned all of us of false prophets coming in his name. We just got bamboozled! She was good. She fooled the world for a good while."

"She didn't fool you."

 "Well, I'm a religious skeptic. I don't take the Bible so literally. Von Strader, just had a great line of bullshit and sophisticated parlor tricks." David nodded in agreement. He to a sip of his drink. "What do you think about all this?" Palmer drew on his cigarette and blew out a long stream of smoke."

"This is a new beginning for us all. I'm willing to lose the Earth before I let that bitch rule it. Beyond the moon is our future. We are witnesses to the history of second chances. The Earth is polluted, parts of the Ocean are toxic. Our drinking water isn't pure as it should be. Our new planet will be as fresh as it was when Adam first set foot on the Earth in the Garden of Eden. We are headed for paradise." David looked up into the stars. Palmer noticed he let his cigarette burn out without taking a puff. Then he smiled without mentioning it.

"So, Mr. President, are you nervous about Good Night Gracie? Palmer said nothing for a moment.

"You know, David, if there was no way out of this I would never surrender the Allies. I would fight to my death. The F.P.A. has saved our asses, well that might be premature at this point, but these are good people. I like Supreme Director Chaitanobi and I trust him. Everything that has happened thus far has been as Marcus, Commander McCaine, said it would be. I'm actually excited. I'm anticipating what happens next."

Davis looked at his watch.” It's four twenty. We'd better get to bed. You have to address the world tomorrow."

Palmer lit another cigarette, drew and exhaled.

"This will be the part that I hate the most. Having the world think that I surrendered. I know it's not real, but to have everyone in the world think that is hard for me, David. I would always sit and talk with Amanda, share my thoughts and she would listen to me and tell me everything would be as it should be and that means it too shall pass and end up just fine. David, I miss her so much and Sarang will pay for all of this. David, go get some sleep. Showtime is at O-seven-hundred."

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