Chapter Eleven

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                       Chapter Eleven

As the fourth wave ended, Marcus ordered the IGLEA troops to follow behind the Allies and rescue who they could. The planet was like being in the midst of World War "V", "V" for Viscera. That's exactly what it was.

SNN… “Ladies and gentlemen, this is Shannon Wynn-Cannon. I’m aboard an F.P.A. star ship reporting to you, to document the events that have occurred the past twenty-four hours. Ladies and gentlemen we are in the midst of Armageddon. One billion of the Earth’s population is in hyper space sleeping, according to our Intel, but they’re safe. I’m hoping that I live through this to see friends and loved ones again. There is only me, the camera and the broadcast signal. I’m not broadcasting this with a crew. I’m monitoring the events through our satellite feed and through the military dispatch. I'm not sure how long this signal will last.

 The Federated Planetary Alliance and all of the military forces of the planet Earth are working together.  Allies seem to be holding their own at severe cost…The battle for Earth in its twenty-sixth hour. The military defense of the Spliftan occupation of Earth has been successful thus far, though there are many casualties and many more are expected. The strategy is not to allow the Spliftan starships to leave Earth’s atmosphere and contain this battle, this war on Earth. If they had the chance to escape they could lose them for many years. The Spliftans are very elusive terrorist and evasion is one of their strong suits. The Spliftans made two very critical mistakes. The first mistake was that there were not enough Spliftan forces. Most of their troops are now made of machines and a few human loyalists. Actually a more accurate description would be androids rather than simply machines. It was believed that their strategy was to have more fire power than troops and they did. As the old saying goes there is strength in numbers.

The Spliftans didn’t expect the F.P.A. to fight for Earth. They figured Earth’s inferior weapons and the utter surprise attack on the planet would have left them confused and defenseless at best, the old "Shock and Awe" tactic. There was a very unique aspect to this war because the people of Earth were one power defending their home. They were a military concerted effort against a foreign enemy that was not human, an enemy that hated the human race. This enemy had the superior technology to prey upon man’s spiritual and religious beliefs and use those core beliefs against us. It is written that the Earth would be destroyed by fire and it was. Tsunamis, earth quakes, tornados, rain, snow and fire. The White House is now under water, in fact, thirty-two percent of the Earth was submerged. Sixty percent of the Earth’s southern hemisphere was missing and it is dark all over the disfigured planet. You can hear gunfire and explosions everywhere." Within three days Earth was a desolate rock. What water was left was highly toxic. Oceans dissipating, The whole planet was smoldering. Through all of this the Earth shifted. What used to be north was now east, but the planet wasn't recognizable anymore. Earth was dead.

From within the Arck was a replica of the planet Earth made. Forty years in the making, such attention paid to every detail. This was the largest undertaking in the history of the Alliance, since the making of the Alliance. All the buildings and infrastructure of the Earth were made as was, even better. The new Earth was made thirty percent larger. The air to breathe was made pure. New technology will enhance the manufacturing of new products. One billion of the Earth’s inhabitants were programmed to naturally adapt to the new technology as though it has always been there. The Awakening will be like awakening from a dream. Like Rip Van Winkle becoming aware of his new world, but fitting in it like a glove.

                                                                                  * * * *

Sahasrara—The Supreme Director's Compound

Uhri Chaitanobi sat in his office in a meeting with Industry and Technology Minister Aurali Ithatar, who is one of the most brilliant minds in the industrial technology field for The Federated Planetary Alliance. "Aurali, I called you here because it is forty two days until The Awakening of the humans. I need you to lead the way in their new industrial revolution. You will oversee the overseers and lead the way in technology and industry on this new planet Earth. I want you to run the base of operations in the United States and in Europe, but I want the people of this new Earth to believe that you are one of them. They won't handle the reality of extraterrestrials very well. I'm asking you to walk among them as one of them. We have all of the key positions filled and what I'm asking of you, I waited to talk with you last. Earth people are very different from us in the philosophical regard. Yet there are some who get that balance is the key. They hold the material things in high regard, many of them do. At your position they will look upon you as royalty because of your substantial wealth. You will be the most financially solvent person on the planet. I chose you because I know that you'll be able to handle this job, you’re wise and you’re bound to get this new planet on track. Your business acumen is impeccable. The most important thing is you will temper things with compassion. The neat thing is that your business infrastructure will be already in place. When The Awakening comes you will already be in position. Just don't let this position make you arrogant. It can be easy to get caught up in the ways of the arrogant rich. Most of them will be, as the humans say “Brown Nosing” you because of your position in life."

"I’m a child of Ajna, Aurali said. I’m Mauist as you are. Mr. Supreme Director you know that I am a woman of honor and compassion.”

 “Yes I know this.” Chaitanobi responded.

“You won’t have to worry about that, but I’m nobody’s fool either. I will have to adopt a persona in which the humans can relate, but Intrigues them at the same time. I know that this will be a challenge. My persona has to command attention. I have read the job proposal that you are offering me. If I take this job will I ever see home again?”

“As often as you like. You will be furnished a craft and crew that will take you anywhere you want to go at anytime.” The Supreme Director replied.

“I will change my name. I will be known as Wilemeana Bast. That name sounds human enough. What do you think?”

“Ummm, Wilemeana Bast, Chaitanobi paused, I like it! Why Wilemeana Bast? Chaitanobi asked.

“I like the name Wilemeana. It sounds like a woman of means to me and Bast because of “Jauton Bastet” I also like the Egyptian form of her name “Bast”.

“The priestess,” Chaitanobi responded. Ummm interesting! You have been studying Earth's Egyptian mythology I see. Well, none the less Ms. Bast, you have forty two days to prepare, but you still haven’t officially confirmed that you will accept the mission.

“No, not officially I haven’t, have I? Okay, Mr. Chaitanobi, I officially accept!” Chaitanobi grabs both her hands, smiling he gives them a firm squeeze. I won’t let you or the F.P.A. down.” Chaitanobi nods in response.

 "Light years away, the original planet Earth is toxic. The Earth once hot and smoldering is now cold and ice ridden and desolate. There wasn't much land mass left. Those left behind to fight the war are long gone. We could not save everyone, but the new planet will have a fresh start," Chaitanobi said. There were another ten thousand people picked up by space craft before things turned worse. A huge mother ship beamed aboard the ten thousand humans from what was left of the Earth. The ten thousand passengers of the space craft were put in suspended animation or hyper sleep. Its like being under water, but they could breathe.

“On the day of The Awakening, the one billion people will be transported all over the globe to their prospective homes and places of employment. They were where they were at the exact point of extraction. Detail to every individual situation was notated and logged. Things will be as it was for the most part,” Chaitanobi said.

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