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"Hello, my name is Wilemeana Bast. At this point in the story I am of no consequence. My time is in the future. This isn't the beginning of this story, but for now in this time, it is a fair place to start.

The Galaxy Wars of 3026 Myurrian Calendar Cycles, were about the controlling of wealth, technology and inter-galactic cleansing. The war initiated by a group of interplanetary terrorist called Spliftans. Their planet was destroyed in the war, much like many of the other planets were. The Spliftans were fighting to conquer planets with a weak defense, rich resources, bountiful sustenance and technology. The Spliftans wanted to gain control of the Galactic Empire. They sought to attack and dominate the rumored transient planet of Ajna. It was believed that this planet held many mysteries. This is thee planet.., in which the Spliftans had to infiltrate and control at any cost. Ajna is the planet which held the mythical, metaphysical and spiritual secrets of the multiverse. One was the great secret which creates all life, organically, Neo-Genesis and another, the secret of the Multiversal Veil. The Veil was believed to be the gateway into other worlds, galaxies and dimensions.

The planet's existence was mere myth until an archaeological artifact was found. It was believed to be the proof Ajna did exist. The proof was a metal plate type object, smoke gray in color and smooth as glass, with the mythological Ajnaese hierology embossed on the plate. It seemed also to have been damaged. A fairly good sized impression of what seemed to be a claw marred the smooth finish of the object. No one could determine the base properties of this metal artifact. Nothing on any modern periodic table could list any components found in the object. The plate was found among some artifacts said to be thousands of years old. Those artifacts were found with the bodies of two operatives of the Ajnaese government assigned to secure and destroy the object in question.

Tests were run on this artifact by Spliftan scientists and the metal couldn't be cut or melted. When put under extreme heat the object didn't get hot. They tried freezing it and the artifact wouldn't get cold. Its temperature remained constant. I never knew what the artifact was, until many years later. The artifact was actually a sealed tevlar valise. Tevlar is a metal created by ancient Ajnaese Alchemists. It is said to be the strongest substance in the multiverse. The valise was believed to be sealed by Mau the Great himself or as we of the Mauist order call him, The Lisimba, which means The Great Lion. It bore his mark. This information was passed down to me from people who were involved in the Galaxy War and witnesses to these events. No one from our present day could have ever realized that the contents of that valise, after the code had been unlocked, would be developed into the bio weapon that it became Viscerianizm a genetically developed virus that is spread through nano technology. The saving  grace is a federated  alliance was formed among people, all of them different, from different worlds, different backgrounds, different races and species of beings and how through all of these differences, they became one conscience and one mind. It's about the challenges of trying to maintain that balance and the forces set against them.

The rumored planet of Ajna was said to be the first formed. Many throughout the galaxy believed the elusive and transitory planet held the fore-mentioned secrets but others believed Ajna was the source of all things created. And this my friends is the legend of Ajna.

The Spliftans, in their search for Ajna, attacked other planets, seeking information, taking slaves, and draining the natural and technological resources for their own selfish use. When they accomplished that, they would kill some of the slaves for food because the food supply was very low. They also had no further use for them, until  a huge orb shaped vessel made its appearance known. It appeared suddenly between the Spliftan and Allied combatants.The vessel was large and its girth stretched as wide and high as the eyes could see. The vessel totally lit up the darkened space because of its bright, fiery yellow glow.. The vessel never engaged fire, but seemed to absorb any fire against it. The sight of this humongous vessel put fear into the Spliftan forces and they retreated. Some of the Allied forces retreated as well, but nearly forty percent of the Allied Forces remained. The count was 69,609 star ships, cargo ships and fighter cruisers total that entered the Arck for protection after receiving the telepathic call, “Enter now and begin anew”. Then the orb vanished.

The Black Mau Chronicles: New World Order~Viscera SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now