Chapter Three

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                                   Chapter Three


"I can't believe that these humans are so stupid. They are so easily lead like a ... herd of sheep. All who are loyal, all who bare our mark shall be spared! The chip allows us to control them anyway. Tell me General, how is our prisoner holding up?" Sarang asked.

"Ms. Ang is alive. The Spliftan cuisine isn't agreeing with her system so much, other than that she's okay." Sarang looked at her general and smiled.

“Is Ms. Ang still hopeful that she will be saved or can escape?” Her general shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know? She doesn't talk much," said the General.

"I'll check in on her, I've been thinking about giving our men a bit of sport and letting Ms. Ang be the featured entertainment for them. Sarang rose from her desk in her luxurious office at the New World Corporation and she began to pace as she thought out loud. I must prepare. There will be a Global Summit in the city of New York in three weeks. Von Strader has been invited to speak and the U.S. president will be there, as well and Russian President Kovski. I know that they will speak out against the New World Corporation and make us sound like the evil empire and me a ruthless dictator. It's time to remind the people of the Earth that Von Strader is no mortal human. He is their lord and savior. The people must know that he loves and cares for them, but must impose his rule to bring one thousand years of peace. That's whats written in their holy Bible anyway. Von Strader will perform a miracle. With our advanced nano technology we can create androids, our new army programed to do my bidding. Now, here's where it gets tricky she paused a beat. We have to create the illusion of them raising from the dead. Coming out of the grave. General get the A.I. specialist in here immediately." Sarang requested.

"Dr. Nomda is aboard the Spliftan vessel aka the "The Light House", trying to circumvent the portal between the Calaxis galaxy and this one as you ordered." Sarang looked at the general intently. "I actually thought that the Alliance would have deployed IGLEA forces by now,." said Sarang.

"We've been monitoring any activity around that portal," the general replied.

Sarang sat back at her desk.

"I need to pull the good doctor and his team from the portal project for now. We'll assign someone to monitor the portal. Right now I need to establish my dominion here on Earth."

"But Kwarina, our crew is spread so thin right now. There are only one thousand of us and two hundred of that is working here in this building in key positions."

"Yes, I get the point you are making, General, but this is why we are going to develop and build our nanite army, which the people of Earth will witness raising from the dead. Their Christ has returned to do battle against the evil empire in the west and their allies to bring about the reign of peace."

                                                                       * * * *

Shahondradon Command

"Captain the other three star ships have made it through the portal all are ready to engage warp drive at your discretion." said Shahon. Captain Eliyon Mheta-Mhetis, a Gorgon. Everyone calls her Eli aka "The Tower of Power" Standing at eight feet, four inches tall and tougher than a Black Rhino. Eli is cunning, bold and a person you'd really want to have your back when you go to battle. Eli was mentored by Ohnmeis at the Mauist Temple. She is like a big sister to the McCaine twins. There were times when Eli baby sat for Marcus and Ohnmeis. "All ships ready, she paused. Prepare to jump in ten, nine, eight. Everyone aboard the Shahondradon strapped in and braced for the warp. Three, two, one commence warp drive." All four star ships became a blur in the black abyss of stars and space.

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