Birthday and talking to Jake, Alice and Jasper

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Birthday and talking to Jake, Alice and Jasper.

Elena's POV: (Preface)

These violent delights have violent ends. And in their triumph die, like fire and powder. Which as they kiss, consume,

I must be dreaming. I am walking in a field and across from me is my dead grandma. This cannot be reality. Although now a days nothing surprises me.

Grandma Swan who died many years ago is across from me right now in the field where both Edward and I usually go.

She stops as I do and looks just as shocked.

"Gran?" I ask her and I see her mouth something.

We both wave at the same time.

I turn as I hear movement. I begin to panic as I see Edward.... walking towards us..... with full sunlight.... and my gran across the field.

He is staring at me as he comes out of the shade of the trees. I try to stop him. "Edward don't she'll see you."

But he just continues to come towards me and he doesn't seem to be bothered that he is sparkling. I smile as he comes towards me.

"Okay," I say and he takes my hand and we begin to make our way towards my gran.

I begin to manage how this conversation will go. Hi Gran, this is my boyfriend Edward. yes he glows in the sun... yes he is pale and has honey colored eyes. In short he is a vampire.

Gran also seems to have her arm around someone as we reach each other.

"Gran, I'd like you to meet," I begin but I cut off as she says the exact same thing at the exact same time to me.

We both stare at each other looking confused.

I begin to breathe heavily as it begins to dawn on me. Her arm around something invisible... about Edward's height. The look of horror rather then confusion as Edward came out of the trees.

We both raise our hands at the same time and reach out to touch each other. But where our fingers are supposed to touch a cold item stops us.


I pull my hand back and for the first time realise that it is wrinkled. That was not my gran. It was me. Old and wrinkled and Edward still young and perfect.

Edward takes my hand and I look up at him with crinkled eyes. "Happy birthday Elena."

I flinch as I wake up. Yes it was a dream.

There was a knocking on my bedroom door and that was what had woke me up. Romeo and Juliet the book is beside me on my pillow.

I look up as Charlie and a disheveled Bella, who looks as tired as I am, enter the room together. Charlie speaks as Bella looks at me and I can tell he also woke her up.

"Happy birthday to you two," he says and Bella sits down on the edge of the bed.

Things had been a little bit better between us but Bella still believed I was hiding something. But she didn't glare at Edward whenever she seen him and she tolerated him round the house so progress.

I sit up and share a look with my sister before clicking my tongue at my dad.

"I thought all three of us agreed no presents," I tell him when I see four gifts in his hands two pairs of each gift.

"Well the one I brought for each of you isn't wrapped," he says before passing Bella and I a camera each. "So it doesn't count."

"Yeah it does," Bella and I both say at the same time and then all three of us laugh.

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