Movies, Jake and Bella talk to me and Jake missing before we confront him.

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Movies, Jake and Bella talk to me and Jake missing, before we confront him.

Elena's POV: (Opening thoughts)

Bella is buying tickets, everyone has cancelled besides Jake and Mike. Which means why Elena and Jake are here together it leaves me with Mike.

*Elena Swan in New moon*

Bella has just finished getting the tickets and we are heading back towards the men. I have just got off of the phone with Eric.

"Jessica bailed," I tell the two. "And Angela got the stomach flu, so Eric's taking care of her."

"It's just us four," Bella tells them.

"Great," Jake says and he smiles at us.

Mike looks a little less enthusiastic.

We are now in the movie. Okay maybe this is a little more violent then I thought. Even what they are saying is violent. I glance to my right where Jake and Bella are holding hands and sharing a bucket of popcorn. Then I glance to my left where Mike has his hand, palm up resting on the arm rest.

He probably wants to hold my hand but it is not going to happen.

I move my eyes back towards the screen.

"Okay I think I'm gonna throw up!" Mike says and all three of us look around as he runs out of the cinema looking a little green.

The three of us decide to follow him rather then continue watching the movie. He had run into the toilets just down from the room.

"Jeez," Jake says as he comes out after Bella and I. "What a marshmallow. Elena you should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach. Someone who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit."

"Yeah I'll remember that," I say but then I begin to look down and awkward as Jake takes Bella's hand. "I feel bad, he's probably got that flu going around."

Jake glances at me. "What I can't hold her hand now?"

"Of course you can," I say and Bella sends me an apology look. "It's just still hard for me to watch that kind of stuff. You two remind me so much of me and E- and me and Damon."

Still cannot say his name.

I sit down on the stairs and Jake and Bella sit on either side of me.

"Look I know what both of them did to you," he says to me and I glance at him. "Elena, I would never do that to Bella and I will never ruin or run away from my friendship with you. I won't ever hurt either of you. I promise. I won't let either of you down. You can count on me."

I hug him as I had nodded all the way through his speech. Bella hugs me after.

"Well," Mike says coming out of the bathroom looking very clammy and sweaty. "I need to go home." I nod and so does Bella but Jake seems to glare at him as we stare at Jake. "I'm... I was feeling sick before the movie, okay? What is your problem?"

Jake for some reason looks angry. Like he wants to hit Jake.

What's wrong with him?

"Right now, you're my problem," Jacob says to Mike. "Feeling sick? Maybe you need to go to the hospital. Want me to put you in the hospital?"

By the end of his second question he had stood up and taken a step towards Mike, who had stepped back looking scared.

"Jake, Jake, Jake," Both Bella and I say at the same time and then Bella grabs his hand and she for some reason flinches. "The movie's over, what are you doing?... Jake you're burning up."

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