Going home, speaking to Bella, school and cliff diving.

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Going home, speaking to Bella, school and cliff diving.

Elena's POV: (Opening thoughts)

Jake and Damon are driving Bella and I home. Bella and Jake are back together but their relationship seems different like... like all Jake sees is her. Well we have finally arrived home.

*Elena Swan in New moon*

I close the car door as I get out of the truck. Damon is besides me in a second, alert and ready in case of trouble. A second later and Bella and Jake turn up in his car.

"Don't worry you two," Damon says as the four of us head towards the door. "We've got this place covered."

Jake hugs Bella to his side and Damon places his hand on my shoulder.

"She won't get near you or Charlie," Jake promises as he kisses Bella's head.

I turn to both of them. "Look you two have gotta be careful. She's fast and none of you three know how fast she is."

Bella looks like she is worrying about the same thing. But both Damon and Jake just chuckle.

"You know your lack of confidence in us is a little insulting," Jake informs me but he is smiling as he and Damon high five.

Bella and I scoff.

"All right we better go," Damon says and Jake nods.

"You've gotta go," Bella agrees and she and Jake kiss, leaving me and Damon to stand there awkwardly.

Thanks Bella remind us of what a healthy relationship is like.

"Yep," Jake says when they finally part. "Got a vampire to kill."

They both run off and Bella and I head inside.

"So," she begins. "What was said between you and Damon on the beach?"

"Well he made more sense of everything that happened," I explain to her and she nods. "But I can't go back. Even though I understand... I still love Edward."

She comes forward and takes my hands. "Damon is patient. Maybe time and..."

"Bella," I moan. "I think you're being biased because you're in love with a werewolf. But I fell in love with a vampire. It's not all wolves good, vampires bad for me..."

She shakes her head. "I don't know how you could fall in love with a blood-sucker in the first place."

"DON'T!" I snap. "Don't start talking like them. You don't know the Cullen's."

I then storm off up the stairs.

*Elena Swan in New moon*

Alice... I'm okay.... things are going wrong with Bella. Because now she knows and Jake has convinced her vampire's are the enemy. But things are even worse when I'm alone. Now Bella and I are at odds I seem to be on my own all the time. Damon's gone and so has Jacob. They're both off hunting Victoria, and Charlie's hunting them. And you're gone. And so is Edward and there's just nothing now. But I realise where I have to go. What I have to do to see him again.

I drive to the cliffs where Jake, Bella and I had been when we seen Damon, Sam and the others cliff diving. I walk around to the highest point I can find. I arrive there and look down to the waves, crashing against the rocks and I can feel the cold breeze.

I must be crazy... but I need to see him again.

"Don't do this!" His voice says and I smile internally.

"You wanted me to be human," I point out to him as I begin to take off my jacket. "Watch me."

I take it off and begin to take off my shoes.

"Please!" He begs and I try to prepare myself for the jump. "For me."

"You won't stay with me any other way," I point out to him.

"Elena please!" He tries again but his pleas fall on death ears.

I jump off of the cliff and feel the biggest rush I ever have as I go falling into the water. It seems like an eternity to hit the water. The water is freezing as I go below the surface but I quickly kick my way back up and gasp as my head breaks the surface.

I smile until I turn around and I see the huge wave that is about to hit me. When it does it drags me back under and my water clogged clothes weigh me down. I begin to roll in the water and I cannot help it as I swallow. Oh No! I'm not gonna make it.

When I manage to kick myself back up to the surface before my head has breached it fully another wave hits me sending me spinning back down again.

I begin to freak out as I turn around to see something swimming towards me in the water and as I force myself back I hit my head on the rocks. I feel myself go unconscious where I begin to dream about Edward.

*Elena Swan in New moon*

"ELENA COME ON SIS!" I hear a voice say as I begin to wake up. "Breathe!"

A force against my chest and then another voice begins to speak. "Come on Elena. Breathe!" I feel something in my mouth and my chest expands.

I begin to cough up water as Damon and Jake had used CPR on me. They must have pulled me from the water. They look relived as they realise I am back.

"Elena," Damon says as Jake sits back. "Elena are you okay?"

I shiver from the cold of the ground which is wet and the freezing cold air around me. I take a deep breath before I look up and around at the three people surrounding me. "Damon? Bella? Jake?"

Damon sighs and so do the other two. Bella comes forward and takes my hand.

"What are you insane?" She asks me.

"Come here," Damon says and he helps me sit up and the warmth of his body is really comforting.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Jake asks and Damon sends him a look. "Huh?"

"I just wanted to see something you guys," I inform them. They don't need to know what.

"DAMON GET THEM HOME!" I hear a voice yell and after a second I realise it's Sam's. "JAKE COME WITH ME! WE NEED TO HELP OUT AT HARRY'S PLACE!"

Jake gets to his feet. He turns to Bella. "I'll ring you later."

Bella nods and he pulls her towards him before kissing her. I just wait as he walks off before realising what Sam had said.

"What happened at Harry's?" I ask Jake and Bella.

Bella looks really upset.

"Harry Clearwater had a heart attack," she explains. "Charlie and Billy are over at his place with his family."

Oh no I don't like her tone or the look on her face.

I glance from Bella, to Damon and back again.

"Is he okay?" I ask them and they both look down.

"He's gone!" Damon says and I begin to feel sad but then Damon begins to help me up. "Come on... I'll get you something dry and drive you both home!"

We take off.

*Elena Swan in New moon*


Hope you enjoy. I am not good writing in 3rd person but I might try to rewrite the series after and go from there.

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