The months pass by

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The months pass by while I am alone and depressed until Charlie has enough.

Elena's POV: (Opening thoughts)

I cannot breathe. I just continue to lay on the ground, waiting for my life to end or someone to find me. Then I hear a growl and I hope it's a wolf coming to kill me...

*Elena Swan NM*

I feel someone pick me up but I do not pay attention as they carry me out. Then a few minutes later I hear a voice. It is whoever is holding me.

"She's all right," the voice says and I vaguely recognize the voice.

"Damon?" I whisper but before I can think into it more I am being passed to someone else.

"I got her!" I hear my dad say who must be the one holding me. "Thanks Damon."

I curl up into his chest and he takes me into the house.

When I am in my room, having got Charlie to let me go so I can go up, Bella enters and sits down besides me.

"What happened?" She asks me looking concerned.

"I... I can't Bella," I tell her putting my arms around my knees. "I can't talk about E- E- him."

I cannot even say his name anymore without my heart breaking.

"Okay but I'm here if you need to talk," she says.

*Elena Swan NM*


*Elena Swan NM*


I begin to write Emails to Alice, but I know they may never reach her.

Alice... You've disappeared. Like everything else. Who else can I talk to? I'm lost.

*Elena Swan NM*


When you left... and he left... you took everything with you. But the absense of him is everywhere I look.

I decide to go and sit in the living room and I can feel both Charlie and Bella's eyes on me all the time.

It's like a huge hole has been punched through my chest

I wake up that night to Bella and Charlie shaking me as I was screaming in my sleep. I never remember what I dream about but I remember the empty and lonely feeling.

I keep sitting at the old cullen table at school and I can feel my sister's continous looking at me but I cannot bring myself to even talk to her about my feelings. I barely eat my dinner.

Charlie and Bella take it in turns waking me up. I feel horrible that they are getting about as much as sleep as I have.

But in a way I'm glad. The pain is my only reminder that he was real.

*Elena Swan NM*

It's now Feburary and it has been 5 months since E... he left me.

"All right that's it," Charlie says as I was about to get into the truck besides Bella. He closes my side of the door and I know that by the way Bella is watching that they have been talking about me

"What?" I ask glancing from one of them to the other.

"You're going to Jacksonville," he tells me and I now know why Bella looks upset. "Live with your mother."

Elena Swan in New moon: Edward Cullen Love story.Where stories live. Discover now