Patching up, return, next day and returning home to the end.

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Patching up, return, next day and coming home to the end.

Elena's POV: (Opening thoughts)

Oh god! I am bleeding, Jasper is ready to kill me and the others are all looking hungry. They there's Edward.... he looks like he is blaming himself once again. I get a papercut and even that is his fault.

*Elena Swan NM*

Carlisle is the only one who does not look like they are about to eat me.

"Get Jasper out of here," he tells the others before using his vampire speed to race over to me and keep pressure on my multiple wounds and I gasp at the pain as he turns back to the others and raises his hand.

First Emmett pulls Jasper out and then Alice turns to me looking apologetic and says. "I'm sorry. I can't."

And then she leaves. So does Esme and Rosalie until all is left is a pained me, a calm Carlisle and a devastated Edward.

"I'll have to stitch this up in my office," Carlisle tells both of us as he examines my bleeding arm before he turns to Edward with a serious voice. He is probably thinking about how my blood smells to Edward and how much is pouring out of my body. "Check on Jasper. I'm sure he's very upset with himself and I doubt he'll listen to anyone but you right now. Edward."

He says his name firm and after a small pause Edward leaves.

*Elena Swan NM*

We are now in Carlisle's office as he begins to take pieces of glass out of my arm.

"I never wanted a party," I apologize to Carlisle.

I hear a clunk as Carlisle drops pieces of glass (that came out of my arm) into a bowl.

"It's not your fault," he tells me gently. I feel like it is. "Jasper hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us."

I keep my arm raised but my eyes elsewhere. Glad he had painkillers though.

"How do you do it?" I ask him wondering how he handles being around blood so much.

"Years and years of practice," he smiles at me.

"Did you ever think of just doing it the easy way?" I ask as he begins to stitch up my arm.

He pauses but seems adamant about his answer.

"No," is the one I get. "I knew who I wanted to be. I wanted to help people. Bring me happiness. Even if I am damned regardless."

I look up at him shocked by his words.

"Damned? Like... like hell?" I ask and he just gives me a look and I shake my head. "Carlisle you couldn't be damned. You couldn't. It's impossible."

"Thank you Elena," he tells me, sounding really sincere. "You've always been really generous about us."

I realize that Edward probably feels the same way as Edward. "So that's it. That's why he won't change me."

"Imagine the situation in reverse hmm?" He says touching my chin gently. "If you believed as Edward does, could you take away his soul?"

While we were talking he had lit a match and now he burns all the bandages and stuff he'd used to clean my arm. I think that's different. But I guess I can kind of see it from his point of view now.

*Elena Swan NM*

Edward drives me home and the whole ride is silent. I am worried now. He still seems so distraught.

Elena Swan in New moon: Edward Cullen Love story.Where stories live. Discover now