Volterra, stopping Edward and arrival of the guards.

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Volterra, stopping Edward and arrival of the guards.

Elena's POV: (Opening thoughts)

I have never felt a plane ride go so long. Waiting to get to Italy, to try and save the life of the man who I haven't seen in months. Who I once loved, wondering that if I survive, will Bella, Jake and Damon ever forgive me.

*Elena Swan in New moon*

We arrived in Italy by plane and we are now on our way to Volterra. I notice how fast and conspicuous the car is that Alice is currently driving. We are speeding past cars and tractors like they are turtles. Alice is covering all of her skin from the sun.

"So I'm guessing you didn't rent this car?" I ask implying she had stolen it.

"I figured you wouldn't be opposed to grand theft auto," she pointed out.

"Not today," I agree before I notice the sudden look her face had gotten. Same look she always gets when she is having a vision. "What? What do you see?"

She seems to begin to worry which does not show in her driving. Still makes me nervous that she is not seeing the road in front of her.

"They refused him," she informs me.

"So...?" I ask wanting details.

"He's gonna make a scene," he says and I begin to panic. "Show himself to the humans. "

"No!" I say knowing this will definitely get him killed. "When?"

"He's gonna wait till noon," he says and my eyes drift to the clock on the dashboard. "When the sun's at it's highest!"

I begin to stumble over my words as my panic levels go sky high. "Alice you've gotta hurry up."

"There's Volterra," she tells me and I glance at the city as we finally enter.

Alice beeps her horn as we try to race through the city and I begin to notice the common color in what people are wearing and they're seems to be lots of tourists.

It gets worse as we get further into the city as it seems to be packed so we cannot move as quickly They begin to make angry noises in Italian as Alice keeps beeping her horn and forcing them to part as we keep going.

I bring my knees up and put my hands to my head.

"Why are they all wearing red?" I ask as I keep worrying.

"San Marco's day festival," she explains but this means they're is going to be lots of people and they will all see Edward if we do not hurry up. "They're commemorating the expulsion of vampires in the city. It's the perfect setting. The volturi will never let him get far enough to reveal himself."

This does not make me feel any better. "We have five minutes!"

"You know Elena just breathe!" She tells me but I am struggling.

*Elena Swan in New moon*

We get to the top of the hill but two guards stop Alice from going any further. Alice slams on the brakes and I get out but I notice that she didn't follow. I turn around and look back at her with the car door still open.

"Alice!" I say wondering why she has not got out when we are running out of time.

"Elena you're the only one he can't see coming," she reminds me. "If I go he'll read my thoughts. He'll think I'm lying. He'll rush into it."

I have to go alone. "Where do I go?"

"He'll be under the clocktower!" She says and I race off but she yells after me. "GO!"

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