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I sit and wait in my Ground Room waiting for Juliana. Once she gets back I notice her excitement.
"What? Who'd you get?" I asked smiling.
"Liam!" She did a little dance, the girls and I laughed. Although I've never been given much attention, Juliana was the center of attention. She liked it like that.
"He's so funny and kind. So much better than other boys." I smiled and looked down at my shoes, thinking. "Hey hot stuff, who'd you get?" I looked up at Juliana.
"Uhm," I twisted my fingers and whispered under my breath, "Gideon"....


How the hell do I get Ida?
We don't even know what all this pairing means anyways. Probably some more stupid ass procedures the Buds has us go through. The doctor there said our questions would be answered after.
I'll be sure to have all of mine answered.
"All Ground Children, please report to main Bud areas promptly. Here your questions and much more will be explained."
I exit the ground room, following other boys leaving their rooms. How strange all this is.


We all sit in alphabetical order and wait. Some patiently, others loud and filled with excitement. I wait fidgety and nervous as I know this pairing is anything but short-term.
"Good evening, Children."
"Good evening, Papa Bud."
"We all are aware of your questions, we know there are many. Before you ask, let me explain what our plans are for your future." I clenched my palms and waited.
"Every five years, every baby born that year is taken into our care and tested. We observe them for months and determine their potential. If the potential is too small, we send the babies back to their families. If not, we raise them. We teach and even save some. You all are those babies. You all have great potential." Papa Bud takes a sip of his water.
"You all are aware of the Lotus Soldiers that defend our Ground Block. To be a Lotus Soldiers requires intelligence, cunning, but most importantly a bond. A bond between the male and female systems. Most of you are fit for that bond."
He must means the incompatible ones. It's rare though, to be incompatible with every ground mate.
"Your given pairs today are the pairs you will be fighting with. You'll be growing closer with them, strengthening that bond. It's important you do this, or else" he pauses "you'll die out there. To have an improper bond risks your lives. You will be incapable of fusing into a lotus soldier." Ground mates around me shift uneasy in their seats.
"Any questions?"
A boy named Trent raises his hand.
"What if we don't get along with our partner?" Papa smiled.
"We choose these pairs specifically for that reason. It's impossible to not get along in some way." He inhaled. "However, there are some pairs, that require a strong bond. Any pair with compatibility above 90% is necessary. The higher the compatibility the stronger the Lotus. 90% and above is incredibly strong. Granted, there is only one bond that is so high."
"Which bond, Papa?" A girl asks.
"This is information you will find out later, that is of course if you're meant to find out.
You are to sent back to your ground rooms and back up your belongings. Tomorrow you will be relocated to the Lotus Hives, where you will begin your training process. That will be all. Goodnight."


In case you couldn't tell, that was a point of view change back there. It switched from Ida to Gideon, but then switched back to Ida shortly. That may or may not happen regularly

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