Stop Ignoring Me

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Waking up is a easy task for me. I'm always alert and ready.
Usually Ida is up before me, but when I look around, I see no one. I turn to my side and see a large lump under the blankets, which I assume is her. I lift the blankets and see her laying there peacefully. She breaths so softly, like a baby. I look down to see her bare thighs. My heart races. They look so smooth and soft. It's too early, I don't have much self control.
I reach down and graze her thigh with the back of my hand. She shuffles and moved as I quickly snatch my hand back. Now she's facing away with her ass facing me. My face burns and I sit up quickly, waking Ida up in the process.
She yawns and looks around.
"why is it so bright out?" She asks.
I try to avoid looking toward her, but she pulls the blankets off her, exposing even more.
Oh god
This is normal. We've learned that this occurs to all males. What isn't normal is the cause right now. Usually it's random, but there has never been a time that it's caused by of something I've seen. There has been times I've thought of things, but that's unimportant. What I mean is, I'm hard.
"I must've slept in because I was under the blanket like that." Ida says, stretching. She lays down again and looks up at the ceiling.

Usually I'd be uncomfortable with such a large amount of skin showing, but I don't mind Gideon seeing. He wouldn't do anything anyways. I'm the only one with such devious thoughts. I close my eyes and then hear Gideon moving. The light is covered above me. I open my eyes and my heart stops.
Gideon is laying on top. His face is calm. It looks like he's studying my own.
We stayed there, looking towards one another, bodies inches away.
His dark hair droops downward. Usually it's professionally combed back, but right now it's natural and loose. His eyes are as dark as his hair. The black fills the iris. I stare into them. Except he's never looked me in the eyes. I don't know why.
I reach up and trace my finger on his jawline. He sighed as I did, but then got off. Gideon grabbed his clothes and went into the bathroom.


I greet Gideon while standing in line during training. He nods and says a simple "hello."
I keep my eyes straight and arms crossed behind me.
"What was that this morning?" I say quietly.
"It didn't seem like nothing." Gideon was quiet for a moment.
"I thought I saw something in your hair, that's all."
I didn't answer back. I knew he was lying. It didn't make sense to push it though. I let it be for now.
"Another day of training positions. You know the drill. And I know some of you have not perfected the procedures yet. Alright. Let's go."
In the pod I bend down and connect to it. I hear Gideon get in the seat behind me. We're silent the entire time. We begin basic procedures. He uses the control pad and acts out connecting to it. We're not able to actually connect and use it though. That's later on.


*back at Gideon and Ida's hive apartment*
"Why haven't you said a word to me since this morning." Gideon glances towards my direction as he stretches and shrugs.
"I'm gonna shower."
A lump in my throat grows. He's pushing this off and it's driving me nuts.
I change into a small loose dress. I didn't have the energy to dress up for the rest of the day. I tend to the plants by the counter. Turning around I lean against it and sigh, crossing my arms. For once I don't think of much. I'm not thinking of anything really. Just an empty mind.
I hear the shower turn off. A few minutes later the door is swung open, and my face drops.
Gideon's in only his under clothes.
His chest is revealed to me, I dart my eyes away but continue to steal glances.
He walks over to his closet and changes into his dark grey shorts. He throws his towel down the laundry chute. Grabbing his book, Gideon flops down on the bed and starts to read. All this without saying a word or even acknowledging me.
I bite my nail, thinking. Should I say something or not?
Almost ten minutes past when I say, "What's your deal? You've been ignoring me basically all day?".
Gideon doesn't move for a second. Then he turns his head towards me. His eyes look up and down my body. Gideon closes his book  and stands up, walking over to me.
Without warning he pushes his arms onto the counter, one on each side of me. His face is inches from mine, and his body pressed up against me. He looks everywhere but my eyes. I feel his eyes moving up and down me. He leans in towards my ear and says, 
"Am I still ignoring you?"
My heart practically stops. I shake my head as he pulls away.
"That's what I thought." He walks back to the bed and continues his book.
Oh my glob.

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