Chapter 6 - IronFrost

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Walking to your room you notice something off the moment you walk in. You drop your duffel bag by the door and scout everything. Nothing was missing which was the main priority, but someone definitely went in. What stood out was your desk, the handle for a drawer was twisted slightly.

"Oh no," You run forward and open it to see your notebook tilted to the left slightly. With a dark look in your eyes you take your Beretta and march to the library where everyone was evidently talking. "Who went into my room?" You cock the gun as everyone pointed to Clint.

"Traitors!" You lunge forward and tackle the hawk to the ground as he screamed bloody murder.

"Did you read it?!" He shook his head but changed his mind and nodded when you raised the gun. "What did you read?" You growl.

"I- uhm... the first few..." His eyes open with a sudden mischievous glint. "About him..." Pietro lets out an 'oooo' which made Peter shut him up with a web. "I won't say a word... on one condition,"

"Are you threatening me?" Your snarl makes him shake his head.

"No condition, I won't tell anyone!" He whimpers as you get off.

"Good, bird,"


"How was the hunt?"

You look up from your burger to team free will. "Dandy, now if you'd be ever so kind to heal me," You show the stitched up wound on your arm.

"Of course," Cas walks over and starts to heal, you could feel the pain fading away.

"Who'd you take?" Sam sits down beside you and take a chip from your plate.

"IronFrost," This caused Sam to choke on his food as the passing avengers looked to you in confusion. "Trust me I didn't get to choose,"

"IronFrost? Wait- you don't mean..." Peter's face burns red as his eyes widen at the thought. "GROSS!"

"You haven't see the art or fanfictions, Peter, you haven't seen it!!" You shake the boys shoulders when you walked over to him.

"Iron... Frost..." Wanda mumbles to herself as you walk over to her innocent like. "What?"

"Go on, look into my head," Your grin widens which makes her cower yet her curiosity grew larger. You feel her warm hand against your forehead as she looks deep into your mind.

"OH MY GOD!" She falls back into Vision's arms. "Oh that is disgusting!" Everyone rushes into the main room.

"Charlie and I were very drunk and had access to Tumblr, it happens,"

"What did you see?" Pietro asks cautiously.

"Go on, show the curious boy," Wanda shudders and sends the image to Pietros head which makes him pass out. "Oh I love scaring people with fanart," your giddy nature makes Sam slap his forehead.

"Remind me to put parental block on all devices," The younger Winchester walks away.

"You know Charlie will help me overcome that!"

"I'm scared to ask, but I'll do it anyway because I have no brain: What other fanart is there?"

"You're going to regret asking, Parker," with your phone now raised in your hand-

"Okay I take it back! Don't tell me!" He covers his eyes making you ruffle his hair.

"I wouldn't do that to you... However the rest of you..." Then they dispersed, at least the ones who knew what would happen if they stayed around, leaving you with the gods and America's ass.

"I'm guessing we should go?"

"Unless you want to see Stony or Stucky art," It seemed to take a while until it clicked in his head.

"Dear god..." With that he was gone.

"You must teach me your midgardian ways of threatening, Lady Y/n,"

"Maybe when you're older, Thor," You pat the gods arm before walking away.


"Mr Stark, how are we getting home? May will be worried and I have homework-"

"Kid, you're in a completely different universe and you're worried about your Math homework?"

"It's actually AP biology," Peter mutters as he ate his cereal.

"Ask sunshine, she may know,"

"Where is she?" Peter looks to everyone who shrugs.

"The Angel taught me a trick," Bucky clears his throat. "Spider-Man, Spider-Man!"

"Does whatever a spider can!" You immediately walk in. "What's up, Barnes?"

"Parker has a question," You turn to Peter who scratched the back of his neck.

"How... are we getting home?"

"Damn thought I'd be able to keep you guys here longer," You click your fingers. "Let me guess, you're worried about May and your AP History homework?"

"Pfft no... It's Biology," he scoffs.

"Alright, kiddo," You put down your comic and walk to get the items needed.


"So what exactly are you doing?" Tony pokes at the bowl and ingredients.

"A summoning ritual, is that not obvious, Stark?" Loki mocks as he passes by. "Let Lady Y/n do what she needs without disturbing her,"

"Thanks, Loki," You mumble as he sets himself up in the library. Lighting up the match you set fire to the bowl and look around.

"Darling Y/n, whatever can I do for you?"

"Cut the crap, Balth, I need your help,"


I feel that we should all be provided a frog to keep as a pet

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I feel that we should all be provided a frog to keep as a pet

- Anna ❤️

Crossover Conundrum: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now