Chapter 23 - Plans

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Loki paced back and forth contemplating his actions, his hands trembled lightly as they fidgeted with each other. He didn't know why his nerves were on a high, he was just going to talk to his mother... no, it was more so the topic in question.

"Loki?" Frigga exits the library and breathes out in fright. "You may cause me a heart attack one of these days,"

"Forgive me, mother,"

"You're shaking," She clutched his hands in hers. "What is wrong, my dear?"

"I have an inquiry, for once it seems I've reached a dead end on ideas,"

"Well, walk with me to calm yourself,"

Loki held his fists tight behind his back, drumming his fingers against the side of his palm. "What does one do to catch the attention of a maiden?"

"Finally! My boy has grown up!"

"Shh! Could you please quiet down?!" He whispers causing Frigga to laugh.

"Well, I assume you're too nervous to ask her what her liking is?" Loki nods with a frown. "Worry not, I have an idea but it will take your brother's help,"

"I'm not letting that Oaf dawdle in my business," Loki snarls.

"Loki..." The queen warns.

"Forgive me mother... I just don't see Thor wanting to help me with such a thing,"

"He will be honoured to help you, and he may have more insight to what Y/n enjoys, he is closely knitted with her companions,"

"Thank you, Mother- hold on, how did you know it was Y/n?"

"Mother intuition, pumpkin," Frigga pats his cheek before walking off with a skip in her step. "Finally!" She squeals which Loki sighs at with a smile.


"Thor, may I be able to converse with you... in private?" Loki looks to the avengers and 3/4 of team free will. Evidently you were still asleep.

"Of course," Thor and Loki walk out the dining hall and away from the doors. "What can I do for you, brother?"

"Don't-" Loki takes a deep breath. "I need your help with something... with... Lady Y/n,"

"By the Norn's it's finally happened! You've come to me for help with a maiden!" Loki clasps a hand over Thor's mouth.

"Shut it, you oaf, I don't want all nine realms knowing!" Thor nods allowing Loki to let go. "I'm just not sure how to... woo her,"

"Well, leave that to me, brother mine, I will have everything ready by tonight!" Loki gets pulled in to Thor's side.

"T-tonight?" Thor nods excitedly. "Y-yes, of course, tonight,"

"Worry not, Lady Y/n will surely fall for you... more so than before..." Thor whispered the last part.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! Now go, try not to look so greasy for tonight," Loki gets pushed away with a snarl on his face, though he turns around to Thor.

"Thank you... brother," The god of thunder couldn't hold in his excitement as he lifted his little brother in his arms, squish the life out of him. "That's-... enough-" Loki slapped his brothers back causing him to put him down

"I will not fail you," Thor scampered back into the dining hall leaving Loki to shake his head with a smile and leave.

"What did reindeers want?"

"We have a mission on our hands," Thor clapped Cas on the back which caused the angel to furrow his brow. "Loki is in need of help from not just me, but all of us,"

"Us? Pfft, yeah right, why would he want our help?"

"He never asked for it specifically, but he did ask for mine which means yours too!"

"What does he need help with, Mr Thor?"

"Good questions, spiderling! Loki needs help to woo Lady Y/n,"

"What?! No way!" Dean bangs his fist against the oak table. "Y/n ain't dating no one,"

"Come on, Dean, she really likes him," Sam urges.

"Yeah, remember the last time she dated someone with magical powers? Poof! She didn't come out her room for three months! Three, Sammy!"

"Dean, Loki is nothing like my brother, I think this is good for her,"

"Yeah, and who knows if they'll even date? It's just one night," Sam nudges his brother back into his seat. "Now, what do you need us to do?"

"Well, for one I will need to know Y/n's preferences,"

"She doesn't like big stuff, maybe a small dinner," Dean sighs, leaning his head against his palm. Peter shoots his hand in the air.

"Yes, spiderling?"

"What about a picnic? MJ said she loved the ideas of picnic dates,"

"A girl?" Nat narrows her eyes as Tony finished off her thought.

"We'll talk about this later, Kid," Peter groaned and covered his face.

"Where should we do it?"

"Garden," Bucky inputs. "The ladies love the scenery, used to take them to the park for walks," Bucky grins, relaxing in his chair with a smug look.

"What should we have cooked for them?" Thor tosses a hash brown in his mouth as everyone thought.

"Just do spaghetti, chocolate covered strawberries for desert," Sam suggests to which Sammy agrees.

"Yeah, that sounds good, she'll like that,"

"Get them some fancy wine, get them to let loose," Clint downs the rest of his mead and clicks his tongue.

"I think we're all set,"

"Tonight will be perfect, it's a full moon," Frigga glides into the room with a soft smile. "Oh yes, I'm part of this too,"

"Shall we get this show on the road?"


I can't wait any longer I'm mass posting the rest of this book!

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I can't wait any longer I'm mass posting the rest of this book!

- Anna ❤️

Crossover Conundrum: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now