Chapter 25 - Moments

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The more time spent together, the more you fell. With every word, moment, silence, you tumbled crashing down.

It hurt

So much

Especially with moments like this...


Your giggle filled the dimly lit library, Loki starting to sway with you in silence.

"Loki, there's no music," you laugh.

"Who needs music, darling?" He started to hum a soft tune as he spun you in and out, holding you tight every moment he was allowed.

With your head against his chest, the vibration of his humming tickles at your ear as his heart beat seems to be in rhythm.


"Darling, it's late, we should get you to bed,"

"I'm fine," you yawn, curling up against Loki's chest, as the shadows of leaves against the moonlight swayed on you.

"You're tired, my dear,"

"I'm... I'm tired," your mumble which he chuckles at.

"Let's get you to bed," Loki lifts you in his arms and teleports you both to your room where he laid you down. "Goodnight, Y/n," he kisses the top of your head, moving away locks of hair.

"Stay," you took his hand before he could leave. "Please," the almost incoherent mumble made his heart melt.

"Of course,"


"Loki!" You cling tighter to the god as the horse took off down the stone path. "Slow down!"

"Slow down? Darling, we're hardly going fast!" With each gallop, you held on tighter. "Doesn't your Midgardian vehicle go faster?" He yells over the wind as you pass some villagers.

"Yeah! But Darling has doors and seatbelts!" You yelp and scrunch his clothing in your fists.


"Y/n!" With a chuckle you set your feet up on the desk as Loki came out the steaming bathroom, his towel wrapped around his waist, hair as orange as the Lorax.

"Oh my god! What happened to your hair?!" Sarcasm slipped off your tongue gracefully, it was hard to tell... Loki scolded himself for teaching you how to lie like him.

"Don't you dare lie to me! Look at my hair!"

"Oh, stop being so dramatic, you act like Howl from Howl's moving castle,"

"I don't know who that is, but I am certain his reaction was valid!" Loki tugged at his now orange roots in anger.

"I think you look great," you mumble, lifting the book higher to hide your grin.

"You've gone too far," he growls which causes a churning in your stomach.

"Sorry?" You squeak.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it, darling," Loki pushes back his locks before hoisting you over his shoulder.

"Loki!" His smile grows as he pushes you onto the bed and towers over you. "Don't you dare-"

"Too late,"

"Loki!-" your scream was cut off with a wave of shrieks and laughter.


Frigga sat across, her fingers glowed with a mystical mist that shrouded the oak table. Stories played out in the field, collapsing and rebuilding before your eyes.

"I wish I was magical," you sigh, the glint of the magic in your eyes.

"Anyone is able to do magic,"

"Really?" Perking up at the news, Frigga chuckles and takes your hand.

"Of course, we are all capable, we just need to tap into that energy," A surge of energy flowed through the hand that the queen held. It was exhilarating. Something no words could properly explain.

"This feels... amazing!" When her hand parted with yours, it vanished.

"And it's possible for you,"

~time skip~


It felt as though your head would explode from how much you were focusing! There was a moment of silence as you gave up and hit your head on the table.

"I can't do this,"

"You can... try again," closing your eyes and curling your fingers at the apple it suddenly levitated. "That's it," it suddenly zoomed past you both and nearly hit a figure at the door.

"Impressive," Loki had caught the apple and bit into it.

"Have a little more enthusiasm, Lokes! I just did magic stuff!"

"I'm proud of you, my sorceress," he walks forward and kisses the crown of your head as Frigga sighed silently at the happy sight.


A thud filled the room as Clint fell back in shock at the levitating items. Cas stared wildly at it before resuming his breakfast.

"That the hell is happening?!" Everyone looked around for the only person capable of such a thing. Loki. But he was nowhere to be seen.

"It's a ghost!" Pietro shrieks as he sprints out the room. Your chuckle filled the room as you played with the eggs on your plate.

"Ok, Y/n, where is you're boyfriend?"

"Not my boyfriend, and he's at a meeting with his family,"

"Then who the fuck-?" A spoon of beans dumped themselves on Tony's hair as Bucky caught a plate of bacon heading his way, slapping them into Sam's lap.

"Sammy!" Dean points to the ale that dumped itself on the moose. Wanda and Natasha watched in fear, though thankful only the boys were being targeted.

"Kid!" Tony pushes Peter out of the way like the father he is, taking a plate of fresh fruit down his back.

"Who is doing this?!"

"Darling, that's enough," Loki walks in with Thor who's booming laugh filled the room. "Haven't you caused enough trouble, my sorceress?"

"Very well done, Y/n!" Thor claps your back.

"Y/n?" You hold up your glowing hand.


"What? How?"

"Magic," you blow a kiss at the group who was covered in food, though the girls were the only ones laughing. "Alright, geez, I'll clean you all up," focusing the new found magic, you send a wave of light over them, only for a bag of feathers to drop everywhere.


"I'm new to this!" You retort as Loki easily cleans up the mess.



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- Anna ❤️

Crossover Conundrum: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now