Chapter 17 - Have fun

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"Hold on, Asgard as in big shiny golden Asgard?"

"Yes, Moose man," Sammy deadpans to your with an annoyed face which you smile at.

"Wait, what if Balthazar finds a way to get us back?"

"Find? Dean, he knows how to get us back, it's a matter of when, and it doesn't look any time soon,"

"Oh, please, Dean!" You drop to your knees. "Be the best person ever and let us go!"

"She's talked of this since we met her," Sam nudges his older brother.

"I have! Said I'd do anything if the time ever came around!" Shuffling forward you could see the contemplating face plastered on. "It will make up for the time you laughed at me for crying during Endgame!"

"I thought you forgave me?!"

"You called me a wimp!" Using your acting skills you let your eyes flood to the edges.

"Ugh, fine! But when we get back you're getting me pie,"

You shoot to the stars and tackle Dean. "Thank you!" Covering his face in platonic kisses of thanks, he pushes you off with a sigh.

"Whatever, just don't mention the crying thing... I already feel bad,"

"Yes sir!" You spin to the group with thumbs up which they repeat. Loki looked at you with a soft smile, his heart beating faster as you turned to him.

"When are we set to go?"

"As soon as possible," Thor grinned down at his friends with bright and jolly eyes.

"Anything we need to pack?" Pietro zooms out the room and comes back out with three suitcases. "Because I'm all set,"

"No need, your Midgardian clothing will do no good in Asgard," Loki scoffs.

"Then what do you suppose we wear?" Natasha crosses her arms.

"Asgardian clothing of course, but I will need this to come off," He pulls back his sleeve to reveal a bracelet.

"You were restraining his powers?" You snarl quietly at Tony who looked slightly terrified. "We are having a talk, Stark,"

"No way," Cap interjects. "What if he escapes?"

"Shut it, Cap," before he could reply you sent a deadly glare, fuming at the news. "Get it off, Stark,"

"Whatever," He squeaks, pressing a few buttons on his phone, the bangle stopped its slight glow and expanded to let Loki take it off. "You better not cause shit, Reindeer,"

"Me? Never," Loki's hand glowed a more powerful green, different from the one he showed at the bunker, it was stronger and more enchanting. The colour seemed to flow back into his face, he was less pale... maybe it could have been the lighting, maybe not.

A shine sparkled over the group as everyone was changed into Asgardian clothing.

Nat was in a red and black dress with an armoured plate on her shoulder, her hair was put in a perfect braid. Wanda wore a fully red dress that had long sleeves her hair was left completely down.

Looking at the men, you noticed everyone in their respective colours, Tony was in red with a few intricate yellow designs on leather armour. Cap had a blue top that had a subtle blue Star and white strips along the front paired with a red cape. Bruce had a green cape crossing over his body in a very hobbit-esque way.

Clint wore a leather top with sharp shoulders and purple cape. Bucky had a silver and black outfit similar to Tony's but with an opening for his metal arm. Peter wore a navy leather outfit with a single red shoulder cape that draped over his arm.

Pietro was fitted with blue and silver armour with no cape to slow him down. Lastly Sam wore something similarly padded like his usual armour, a falcon wing icon on his shoulder.

For you and the boys? Well, you were given a green and black dress with gold accents around the edges. Dean and Sam had similarly styled armour to Clint, Dean with a dark green and Sam with red. As for our little angel, he had dark and light blue leather and a beige accent cape.

"Snazzy!" You twirl in your dress and strike a pose. "Do I look like a princess yet?"

"Shouldn't princesses be more lady like?" Dean challenges.

"I'll shoot you with the colt, then we'll see who's more ladylike," You sass making him frown.

"Let's not dawdle, sun will only be up for a few more hours," Thor twirls Mjolnir and points to the elevator.

"Wait, what about Vis?" Wanda looks to Vision who just entered.

"Someone has to man the tower, Wanda, have fun without me," He flips the next page of his cookbook before walking away.


Your excitement was building up, who could blame you? You were going to travel via Bifrost! This was every Marvel fan's dream, after all. Thor told everyone to hold on to someone, to which you picked Sammy, hopefully the Moose wouldn't fall out.

"Don't fuck this up, Samantha,"

"Call me Samantha and we can reenact Hela throwing those two out the Bifrost," Sam smirks.

"I'm both terrified because I know you can do it, and proud because you remembered!"

"Ready?" When Thor was given a resounding nod he held his hammer to the heavens and cried out. "Heimdall! Open the BIfrost!"


And all I am is a man!

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And all I am is a man!

I want the world in my hands

I hate the beach but I stand in California with my toes in the sand- oH hi

How'd you like that?

- Anna ❤️

Crossover Conundrum: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now