Chapter 3: "Almost" there

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The first thing I took out from my bag was my Acer Laptop--a Christmas gift back when I was still a sophomore in College. I'm fifteen minutes late for the video chat and my parents may or may not (I hope) be worrying right now. Well, I know my mom won't be that worried... My dad...

Well, he's another story. A way way different story.

"Yeah Dad, I'm okay. I just... got lost on my way to the hotel so it took a while. But luckily, an old man helped me find my way to the hotel. So here I am." I told him after I chatted with mom.

"And you're sure nothing else happened? No more delays or problems?" he asked suspiciously.

Crossing my fingers behind me, I said "Promise dad, no more problems. I'm here, I'm safe, and I can't wait to start my first day three days from now." I said, giving my best honest smile, hoping he'd stop throwing questions at me.

He looked thoughtful for a while and then nodded, "Okay, just making sure, Rienna. Do you remember our deal?" he pointed out. "Our little agreement?" he pressed on.

I gulped.

How could I forget? THAT'S the main reason why going back home ISN'T an option.

"Of course Dad, I haven't forgotten."

"Good. Well, get done with unpacking and then sleep. It's been a long day for you I'm sure." he said, but it was more of an order than a concerned request.

"Okay Dad, thanks."

"Good night."

"Yeah, good night."

And then offline.

Then, "You lied to your father."

I jumped, startled. I turned to the old man--who finally introduced himself as Charles Samuels.

"You didn't tell him that you'd be staying with 'the old man who helped you find your way back to the hotel.'" he pointed out.

I bit my lip and then sighed, "For my dad, he would consider that as a problem because I bothered a stranger and that now I'm indebted to you, Mr. Samuels." I admitted. "If my dad found out, he would let his pride get the best of him and tell me to just go home instead of being a 'burden' to a mere stranger."

He scoffed at my explanation, "Well no wonder you're so pessimistic. You're father isn't really helping your self-esteem, young lady."

I didn't respond to that.

He sighed, "Well fine, I won't put you on the hot seat any longer, but you better tell him the truth sometime soon. Lies get bigger and messier, young lady."

I nodded, and I couldn't help thinking that Mr. Samuels was a little bit like my own Father except that maybe he was wiser and not really proud.

Intimidating, but not proud.

"Well, let's get you all unpacked so that I could get some sleep now too."

"Oh Sir, I don't mind unpacking on my ow..." I trailed off when he threw me a look that said "Are you disagreeing with me again, young lady?"

"I mean... uh, thank you sir." I swallowed. He nodded and proceeded to open my trolley bag.

He gave me that look a while ago too, when he offered me one of the best rooms in his Suite instead of just the guestroom. "You'll be staying here from now on, so you're not a guest. Guests come and then go the next day."

First rule when it comes to Mr. Samuels, don't reject ANY of his offers. Never.


After unpacking, I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and changed to a t-shirt and cycling shorts for bed. Trever was already making himself comfortable in his doggy bed. I looked at him living like a prince and rolled my eyes, "You're lucky you're an animal, Trever. You don't have to worry about feelings like guilt and feeling like you owe someone a lot." 

I sighed, "Well, so far so good I guess."

He didn't respond, probably falling into the first stage of sleep. I sighed.

"Goodnight boy..." I said then I looked out the window, seeing the bright lights and tall buildings and towers of New York City, the Big Apple. The place where dreams come true, they said. I'll see for myself if that's true.

"And though you don't sleep, Good night New York City." 

Smiling, I reached out and turned off the switch from my lamp.


New York: 1

Rienna: 1

[End of Chapter 3]

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