Chapter 17: The Truth

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Peaking from the sidelines, I saw Luke and Rienna wrapped in each other's arms. This is really something!! Finally, it is now proven that Luke doesn't have a heart of steel. He could actually show some genuine concern for a person, all formalities left on hold for a while. Now it was his time to be free, comfortable, and HUMAN.

"Yeh Men! We did it!!" I turned to Adam and Paul-- who I asked to be our "curtain man" and "music producer," respectively. Hey, I can't sing and play the minus one music at the same time. And Olette can't be the one to bring up the curtains. We needed someone to be the crew for the mini show. "Hey man, thanks for all the help! I owe you big."

"Yeah, you do! Free lunch for us tomorrow!!" Adam and Paul laughed and then gave each other a hi-five. I smirked. 

Yeah, so a little help comes for a price.

Suddenly, someone coughed fakely. 

We turned, it was Olette, who was still dressed in her Tuptim costume.

"Guys... um, Paul and Adam, right? Listen, if it's not too much to ask... I have one more favor I'd like to ask from you." she said, a little tense tone in her voice.

"Um, sure. What's up?"

"And what's in it for us?" Adam smiled mischievously.

I glared at him and nudged him hard on the sides.

"Ow!" he grunted.

"Quit it man."

Olette took a deep breath, "It would mean so much to me if... if you kept my little... act... a secret. I mean, don't tell anyone about what I did in your big stage just a few moments ago. Please?"

"Olette..." I muttered.

She locked her eyes with mine, and it looked really helpless and worried. "Please Harvey?"

Why would she ask something like that? To keep what she just did a SECRET? That would be injustice! Especially for a performer. I mean, sure... for me, to do what I love the most is its own reward. I don't need praises and roses thrown to me after a show. I just love doing what I'm doing. But for any performer, even me, we appreciate it so much when a crown goes wild after our act. A round of booming applause is worth a thousand Golden Globe Awards... well, sort of.

"Okay, fine. We won't tell anyone." I said, to give her peace of mind.

"Yeah sweetheart, our lips are sealed." Adam says, his hand raised to do a promise gesture.

"What happens inside the walls of the big stage, STAYS in the big stage." Paul nodded.

Olette let out a small smile and then sighed. "Thank you. It means the world to me... what you're doing for me..."

Later, she left to change back to her own clothes and so did I, after making sure Adam and Paul left first. Inside the males' dressing room, I still wondered why she would want to keep her acting skills as a hidden talent. And by the looks of her expression when she asked that we keep our lips sealed, why do I get the feeling that deep down inside of her... she was at war with herself?


"OLETTE! There you are! Come here you little actress you!!" Rienna threw her arms around her bestfriend when Olette and I met up with the "sort-of" couple outside the auditorium.

(I say "sort-of" because, according to what Luke told me, they aren't an "official" couple until after the courtship stage. Which is completely beyond my understanding.)

"Shhh, shhhhh! Keep it down!" Olette says frantically, as Rienna gave her a tight squeeze. "Someone might hear you."

Rienna pulled away, a confused look on her face. "What, why? You were amazing just then. I think everyone should see your hidden talent."

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