Last Chapter: New addition to the family 🔞

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They named the baby "Wen Yang." 

Xue Yang and Xingchen sat on the bed, talking to their baby, who was cooing and gurgling.

Servant kowtowed and handed them the wit sent by Wei Ying and Lan Zhan.

Lan Wangji and Wei Ying congratulated them and added that plan the next baby after three years only. Don't rush for the next baby right now, and make sure that you take precautions.

Xingchen face turned red as Xue Yang ended up laughing at reading the same. 

Wen Yang was now six-month-old,

After placing the baby in the cradle, Xingchen sighed, the tiredness in his body apparent, and snuggled close to Xue Yang, letting his body draw warmth from his. The warmth from his body enveloped Xingchen's mind in a thin casing of security.

"I am sorry you had to go through so much just because of me," Xue Yang apologized as he saw the lines of pain and exhaustion under Xingchen's eyes.

Xingchen replied, "Though you never expressed, I knew that you always wanted a baby so badly, and I am glad I could fulfill your wish."

In the middle of the night, Xingchen looked out the window and felt excited when the rain drummed wildly on the roof.

The bed felt warm as compared to the weather outside. Xingchen's body thrummed with desire for Xue Yang. Xingchen tried what Wei Ying told him he try on Lan Zhan.

He kissed his neck and sucked it. Xue Yang woke up with a moan all excited and grabbed Xingchen, who was on the top and seductively said, "You woke up the beast inside me" and, in return, made Xingchen a moaning mess.

The desire lighting his body was hot and aching as if his body innately knew how well Xue Yang would satisfy him. Xue Yang moaned heavily until he ultimately slumped back in exhaustion.

"You are just too good!!" Xingchen heaved. They both slept cuddling each other's naked bodies.

After two months,

Xue Yang planned a short travel to West Lake. Their friends from lotus pier were also to accompany them. Xingchen started packing bags, and as soon they all were on the west lake.

All the young one's ran towards the beautiful garden and started running all over. The elder's sat to eat while enjoying the scenic beauty.

As the evening approached, they went back to their rooms, Xingchen stayed with the ladies as he had a newborn child and could not accompany other members to the tavern.

The children were happy to see Wen Yang. They played and chatted with him; to everybody's astonishment, the baby replied to them with a cheerful face while kicking his hands and legs in the air.

 They played and chatted with him; to everybody's astonishment, the baby replied to them with a cheerful face while kicking his hands and legs in the air

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The next day,

Wen Yang started crying loudly. To entertain him, Xingchen took him to the garden just next to the inn while baby-talking with him. He felt dizzy and was about to hit the ground, but one of the inn servants got hold of him and took Wan Yang from Xingchen's arms and seated him.

With his eyes closed, Xue Yang started searching for Xingchen, who was no longer sleeping next to him. 

Xue Yang stood up, looked out of the window, searched for his husband and baby, and saw Xingchen holding his head in dizziness. Xue Yang rushed to the garden and got hold of Xingchen, and before he could ask him anything, Xingchen fainted.

In no time, the Physician who was there with the King in case of any emergency checked Xingchen pulses. 

All of them were waiting outside. The physician came out of the room.

As soon as the physician told them that "Xingchen is two month's pregnant." 

"What? so soon?" they suddenly exclaimed, and then laughed.

Xue Yang scratched the back of his neck in shyness; Xingchen came out of the room and, on seeing everybody laughing, hid behind the curtain in shyness.

With a cold face, Lan Zhan said in a taunting tone, "Wow! Xue Yang, you are fortunate." looking at Wei Ying, who was not ready to give him a second child. The laughing from Xingchen now shifted to Wei Ying.

Wei Ying made a bunny face and pulled Xingchen out from behind the curtains, and the day ended in celebration.

Soon, Xue Yang and Xingchen were blessed with a baby girl. 

Xingchen and Xue Yang laughed at each other when they opened Wei Ying's gift as Wei Ying had sent them a pouch of precautions and next to it was a note "Next Time Plan The baby". 

Xue Yang kissed Xingchen's forehead, and both of them stared at the moon while the babies fell asleep in their arms.

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