(84) TMotDS: Although I Bare Fangs to the Dusk!

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The sun had set hours ago. The stars were twinkling above the dark blue sky. There weren't many students still walking around the Hall of Mirrors in the middle of the night. Some came from the main building or the library, or even from other mirrors. One of those mirrors was the Octavinelle Mirror where the last batch of students with anemones on their head stepped out. Between the groups was the familiar ginger, blunette, and raccoon.

Grim ears were dropping low and his fire dimmed a bit. "This is only day one and I'm already so tired of being Azul's lackey, yanno..." he sighed loudly, landing on Deuce's shoulder.

Ace twisted his shoulder, groaning. "My muscles are still tired from cleaning the whole dorm and doing those waiter things. I rather clean a hundred window than these..."

"At least you're not on supplies duties," Deuce grumbled as they walked past the Heartslabyul Mirror. "How did Jonah keep up with this? He worked there, didn't he?"

"But he only cooks!" Grim raised his paws exasperatedly. "He enjoys it there!"

"Enjoyed," Ace corrected and the other two went silent. Right. Jonah enjoyed it there. As in... He could no longer do that anymore.

Entering the Heartslabyul Dorm, they were quite surprised that the hallway's lights were off. What time is it now? Is it already past their ten o'clock curfew? The only light source was from the lounge. Huh, maybe they weren't that late.

However, when entering the lounge, they instantly regretted it. "Uh oh," Ace muttered and Deuce and Grim silently gulped.

Riddle was sitting on the couch, still wearing his dorm uniform. His arms crossed in front of his chest and his right leg was crossed over his left one. Trey stood on his right side while Cater on his left, both of them were looking worried either from the poor freshmen or the anger Riddle was holding.

"I figure you guys are the last ones," Riddle stated, sending a shiver down the three's spine. The prefect let out a sigh. "Even in this situation, you still managed to break the curfew."

Ace tried to step forward. "Riddle-"

Riddle raised his hand, shutting Ace up. He pointed to the floor. "Sit down."

Ace and Deuce silently exchanged a glance before deciding to just do what Riddle asked them. They both stood in front of Riddle before setting themselves down to their knees. Grim jumped off from Deuce's shoulder, noticing the glare Riddle was giving him. He didn't dare to step up, just hiding behind the blunette.

Riddle raised his chin. "I want an explanation on what, how, and why in the world you guys got yourself in trouble this time. Did you really think that making deals with Azul was the greatest idea?"

"Well..." Ace tried to say something, but, once again, Riddle cut him off.

"If you guys just come to me, I will help you. You've seen me yourself, have you? Heck, I helped Jonah right in front of your eyes and he didn't even ask me."

"Well, of course, you'll help the captain." Ace rolled his eyes as he raised his voice. "He's Jonah!"

Riddle uncrossed his leg, stomping his feet loudly. "Don't talk back unless you have something to add!"

Ace held back a growl, once again ducking his head. Riddle huffed. "So, why did you ask for his help?"

Deuce glanced at Ace. Seeing how he didn't want to answer the blunette spoke up. "Well... We thought if we ask for his help we can also help Jonah. We didn't know that outsiders can't read the notes."

Riddle rose one of his eyebrows. "So, it was useless in the end."

"We got a good score," Ace muttered, in which Deuce and Grim nodded. "Better than we've ever gotten."

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