(130) TTofSS: The Power Your Wishing Commands!

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"BrInG Me aLl tHe fOoD AnD DrInKs!"

Despite the wicked air looming over the dorm, a feast was spread in front of Jamil who sat on a red lounge sofa, one arm rested on the sofa's arms and legs up. He had Ashoka and Chandra waving their fan next to him while Yudhi with a tray of food knelt beside him.

"wE WiLl hAvE A BaNqUeT! tHe sTuPiD KiNg iS GoNe aNd wE NeEd tO CeLeBrAtE ThE RiGhTfUl rUlEr!"

"It is as you wish, Master..." Yudhi slurred, carefully taking a goblet of drink for Jamil.

"Master Jamil is the rightful King of Scarabia..." Ashoka added.

"Three cheers for Master Jamil!" Chandra pumped his fist weakly.

"vErY GoOd! PrAiSe mE MoRe!"

Jamil took a sip of the drink, eyes darting around the room at his now personal slaves until it rested on the only student who wasn't affected by his unique magic in front of him. His legs, arm, and upper body were tied to the chair which was placed right in Jamil's line of sight, two front legs on a table while the others were a few millimeters from the edge of the balcony's fence.

The corrupted prefect smiled mockingly.

"wHy dOn't jOiN In, DeArEsT CaPtAiN? yOu'rE In tHe pReSeNcE Of tHe mOsT PoWeRfUl pReFeCt iN ThE AcAdEmY."

Jonah didn't look up at him. His eyes purposely focusing on his tied legs, tugging weakly despite knowing it was futile. He tried to escape since he had woken up after being knocked out. His other arm was missing though, along with his eye patch. Jamil took it earlier to prevent him from accessing any tools. The prosthetic arm and silver cutlass were placed on the end table next to Jamil's head like a trophy.

The 'prefect' clicked his tongue for the lack of an answer. One of his snake hairs hissed and slithered in the air. The head of the snake hair touched Jonah's chin, earning a flinch from the boy as it forced his head to looked up. Jamil chuckled.

"WhAt cOuLd bE In tHe cApTaIn's mInD ThAt dIsTrAcT HiM FrOm mE?"

Jonah glared at him. "You're smart. Figure it out on your own." The snake hair smacked him on the cheek, it wasn't hard enough to leave a bruise but was enough to earn a surprised grunt from him.

"DiDn't tHeY TeAcH YoU AbOuT NoT TaLkInG BaCk tO YoUr kInG?"

"You're no king, you phooey cheater."

"BiG TaLk fRoM SoMeOnE UsElEsS. mAdE Me wOnDeR ThOuGh..."

The 'prefect' stood up and Jonah unconsciously straightened up his back, pressing it as close as he could to the back of his chair as Jamil approached him. He brushed the bangs of the boy's right eye, showing the black and yellow orb.

"a pIrAtE Is sUpPoSeD To bE KnOwN NoT To oBeY ThE LaWs, AnD YeT YoU SeEm tO HaVe a hAbIt oF StEeRiNg tHeM To a bEtTeR CoUrSe."

The hand traced down until it reached his chin, gripping the jaws tight.

"fOr a mAgIcLeSs sTuDeNt tO BrInG RiDdLe rOsEhEaRtS, lEoNa kInGsChOlAr, AnD AzUl aShEnGrOtTo tO HuMiLiTy...PlAyInG HeRo, I SeE."

Jonah rolled his eyes. "I'm not a hero, you know."


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