Chapter 3

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A month has passed and, the couple were tired, tired from planning their wedding that was happening six months later, they were exhausted, but for Jungeun, to be able to be cuddled by Sooyoung, it was the most comforting and rewarding thing to her. Before sleeping, Sooyoung had this habit. She would hug Jungeun to sleep before she removes her hand and looks into her drawer. It didn't take long for Jungeun to realise that her lover's hand was missing from her waist, so she would groan, and Sooyoung would close the drawer, and her hands immediately found her way back to Jungeun's.

But that didn't mean Jungeun wasn't curious. As much as she wanted to respect Sooyoung, they were going to get married, her problems are hers, and her secrets are hers as well. So when she knew Sooyoung had fallen asleep, she removed herself from the blanket and sneaked to see what was in that drawer. But she stopped herself.

What if Sooyoung gets mad ? What if it was a surprise but I spoiled it ? No, I should trust Sooyoung and get back to sleep.

And she did just that. She closed the drawer and went back to bed. But she didn't feel good. The past few days, she has being staying up, because she has been thinking a lot.

The next day, Sooyoung was still in bed while Jungeun went to work. Before she left though, she woke Sooyoung up so she wouldn't be late for her classes. When she was sure that Jungeun had left the house, Sooyoung took out the thing that was hidden in the drawer. She holds it, tightly. The smooth and glossy thing, she held it. She begins to play with it as memories from the past hit her. She remembers when they went to Disneyland together, how she bought everything for her, because she never cared about herself. Sooyoung holds it closer. She begins to cry a little as she thinks of her. The one person who knew her like the back of her hand. The person who she had envisioned to spend the rest of her life with. She thinks, she's making the wrong decision. Because she thought that she truly loved Jungeun. Jungeun made her happy, but it could never compare, to the one person she was thinking about right now.

After washing up, she took off in her car, and she went to somewhere she really missed. She unlocks the door and walks into the small apartment. She sees the letters that have been piled up for months. Some were fan letters to Jinsoul, and some belonged to her. She took the letters that were hers, and she left. She drove to a little hill, and she sat there, opening the letters that were addressed to her.

The first one said,

Dear Sooyoung,

I know you wouldn't sell the house. Because I believe in us. I just want to let you know that I missed you. More than anything. As successful as I am, I can never be as successful as this, without you. Thank you for loving me, but I don't think I can get over you. I love you, too much that it hurts.

- Jinsoul

And then she opens another one.

Dear Sooyoung,

It's been a few months since I've heard from you. Why does it have to end ? You were one of the few people who could bring out my smile. You made me the happiest person on earth. Why do we have to be strangers again ? Do you know that, as much as I try to move on, I can't. Like there's this force, that's holding me back from moving on. So please come back.

- Jinsoul

Sooyoung's tears never stopped flowing as she read the next one.

Dear Sooyoung,

I've released an album, and everyone's asking me who it's about. All I can do is smile, and say that it's someone important. But I can't say your name because you're not here with me. My smile has disappeared, and I'm how I am when you first saw me in the hallway, emotionless. You were the very reason I believed in love, but, it's gone now. And all I can do now is hope, for you to return to me.

- Jinsoul

At this point, Sooyoung doesn't know if she should continue reading the letters. But there was one in particular that caught her attention.

Dear Sooyoungie,

It's been a while. I've received the news of you getting engaged. It hurts, it hurts to see the only person I will ever love get married to someone else. And I don't want you to get married, but if it is to see you with the brightest smile, I would let you go.Your happiness over mine. So with love,


Sooyoung couldn't do this, she couldn't go on with the marriage plans. Because her heart, she knew who it belonged to. And she feels terrible for Jungeun, but she knew, she couldn't go on doing this. She has two decisions, move on from Jinsoul and stay happy with Jungeun, or go back to Jinsoul.

Jungeun on the other hand, was at work when her colleagues started questioning her about the article. Jungeun had promised Sooyoung that she wouldn't say anything so she didn't and just said no. She also had some things going in her mind, so she walked to Haseul's office and consulted her.

" Haseul ? "

" Hi Jungeun, come take a seat. "

And Jungeun closes the door before taking a seat in front of her supervisor.

" Firstly congratulations on the engagement- "

" That's what I came here to talk to you about. I don't think I'm ready, I think I made a mistake. "

" What do you mean ? "

" I don't think I'm ready, I think we are rushing into things and, I don't know, I feel like I'm forcing myself to get married to Sooyoung because that's what everyone wants me to do. "

" Okay. But I don't think that's all. "

" What do you mean ? "

" Jungeun, I know you, there's something else besides you not being ready, what is it ? "

" I want to travel, and I know Sooyoung's not ready for that. She has classes here, and I know she can't just drop being a dance teacher, it's something she likes. "

" So what do you plan on doing ? "

" I want to talk to her about it but, I need time. "

" Yeah, think as much as you want, but you don't have a lot of time. I would support you in any way you need. "

" Thank you Haseul. " 

Author's note: 

I have edited the parts for the previous chapters and the edits are in bold. So do take note. Thank you for being so supportive and reading my work. 

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