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I decided after writing that excuse as chapter 3 that I would actually update! WHOOP WHOOP

I'm hungry.

K bye

Ok so I'm stuck writing in bold... This might be interesting...
Lily and James finally finish their duties for the night and go with Dumbledore to set the password for their shared room.
"What have you decided for your password?" Dumbledore asked.
"Well I wanted it to be Lily flower but Lily completely disagreed with me-"James said frowning.
"So we decided to make it gryffinuggets," Lily finished with a sigh.
Dumbledore gave them a bemused look and set the door with the password.
"You two get settled. Your trunks are already in your rooms, courtesy of the house elves. If you need anything, well, this is your seventh year. You know what to do."
After finishing talking, Dumbledore turned around and walked to wherever the headmaster sleeps.
(James and Lily walk into the room and gasp in awe.)
"I can't believe this place is all ours," Lily said, still in shock.
"And you get to spend quality time with the sexiest guy you know," James added smirking.
"Ew. Potter. Too far."
I walk away from James to have a look around. The common room is the same size as the Gryffindor tower one. There's a crackling fireplace with a couch and two large armchairs in front of it, with a small coffee table in the middle.
Behind those is a clear space, and then on either side, tables for studying and doing homework.
I wander up a small set of stone steps to find 2 doors. Each have gold writing printed on them saying "Head Girl" and "Head Boy".
I open the door labeled Head Girl and gasp in awe. There is a queen size four poster bead with a Gryffindor bedspread. Throughout the room there are different Gryffindor decorations. My trunk is at the foot of my bed. There's a dresser, which I open to find all of my clothes neatly tucked away in. There's a door to the left of my bed, which I open to find a magnificent bathroom. The floor is white marble with gray streaks. One one side is a large shower. Against the far wall is a bath tub. On the other side there's a toilet. Directly in front of me is the vanity with a sink and a lot of outlets, presumably for hair products. My makeup and toothbrush and other bathroom items are all laid out for me.
I hear a knock on the door and jump.
I groan.
"Potter what do you want."
"Can you kiss me goodnight?"
"Maybe in a million years."
"Goodnight, Potter."
"Goodnight, My precious Lilyflower."
I roll my eyes but smile once he's turned away. I did find that rather cute. No. Shut up Lily. Maybe I'm just tired.
I hop into bed and turn off my lamp.
So I couldn't turn off bold on my phone....


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