part 2

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I kept on walking not looking back then froze when I saw him just standing and looking around. I hid behind a tree and kept my breathing calm and even and then peeked at him and saw him look at the sky I looked up and saw a full moon then looked back at him and heard a cracking noise like bones are being broken. I covered my ears my body shaking from fear. The noise was unbearable.

            After it stopped I took a peek from behind the tree to see a wolf with red fur that is the color of midnight black and blue eyes that is like a light that you can only see. I looked at the wolf my eyes wide from shock, fear, I don’t know but my conscious kept saying –He just turned into a wolf-  I laughed in my head and thought –Wolf are you serious this can’t be happening- I took a step away from the tree and ran.

            I didn’t care if I was making noises or anything I didn’t even looked back I just ran pushing tree branches that hung low behind me and just continued not looking back. Until I was sure I wasn’t fallowed I slowed down and walked to the nearest park and sat down on a bench. Then I looked at the ground and ran my fingers through my hair brushing it back away from my face and sat there till I had enough energy to get up again.

            -Werewolf. He was a werewolf- I heard one side of me thought but I knew it can’t be that stuff only happens in stories and TV it’s fake. I kept on denying it till I felt safe, well almost anyway then got up and walked home. As I got home I went to take a shower and then changed into my pajamas and fell asleep.

            The next morning I woke up at 12:15 pm and got up and brushed my teeth and washed my face then put on my gray skinny jeans and a purple sweater and my black and silver necklace and then got my purse and put in my phone and wallet and makeup then got my black jacket and black boots and left the house. I walked out to see Serena outside drinking coffee and looking around I smiled and walked up to her “Hey Serena” she smiled and said “So Jeanette Washington what did you do for New Years?”

            I opened my mouth to tell her about last night but then my conscious said –No don’t tell her, she won’t believe you- “Nothing really just came home and had a drink” I said to her and we started walking “Jeanette you really need to have fun do something daring” she said and took a sip of her coffee. –If only you knew Serena- I thought then joked and said “Well why don’t you show me how to have fun” she smiled wide and said “okay I will” I laughed then saw her frown “You were serious?” but she continue on talking about all these stuff.

            When we got to work I checked in and went to my desk and opened the computer and went into my e-mail and opened the files I was supposed to have and sat down until I heard my boss call me into his room. “Yes?” I said to him “I’m sorry but we have to let you go” he said I was shocked “Why do I have to be let go?” I said to him he sighed and said “Just go Washington” I got pissed “Well alright then!” I shouted and went up to him and kicked him in his balls “I never actually liked working for you” he fell on to the floor and I left.

            I packed my stuff and left and went to the nearest shop and sat down at a table near the window in a corner and sighed and felt my phone vibrate I took it out and opened it “Jeanette what happened?!” Serena shouted I smiled and said “The boss fired me and didn’t tell me the reason why” I looked at the time it was 1:00pm “So what did you do?” she asked I sighed and said “Why would you ask that you know I’m not the type to do anything” I heard her laugh then another voice said “Jeanette you’ve always been the type that would do something” I smiled “Justin is that you?” I heard his laugh then he said tell us so I did.

            “Well great job” Serena said “Well thanks but I got to end this fantastic call” and I did. I got up and went to the counter and ordered a coffee and a toasted butter bagel after 2 minutes I got it and sat back down where I was already sitting then opened the coffee and took half of the butter bagel and took a bite. I looked up to see a guy sitting right across from me with a women and they both looked at me “Hello” said the lady I finished chewing and waved hi “My name is Winnie Barton” she said to me I smiled and said “Jeanette Washington” I said then looked at Winnie she has jet black hair shoulder length and deep sapphire eyes.

            “So how old are you?” I asked she smiled and said “I’m 23 you?” I looked straight at her and said “I’m 20, single, and jobless” she frowned and said “You got fired?” I nodded and took another bite of my bagel “Yeah and it really sucks ‘cause the stupid boss didn’t give me a god reason” then it got quite till the guy next to her said “We have to go” he had a deep voice and looked nice. He has brown eyes and a really light blond hair.

 “Well Jeanette here is my cell phone number and let me have yours” –Daring she is so daring- I thought but gave her mines “I’ll call you later bye” she smiled and walked away with the guy. – The wolf- I heard my conscious say then as if I had my memory erased I remembered last night the bone crushing noise, the wolf, the full moon, I shivered and felt my head beginning to thump “Could this day get any worse” I mumbled to myself then my conscious said –It  has only just begun- I got up and payed for my stuff and left the shop.

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