part 7

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            The way home wasn’t awkward with Darren then I thought because I found out he was really easy to talk to then he seems to be at first when I met him. “Hey you know the forest?” I asked him he nodded and said “Who doesn’t, yeah” I smiled and asked “You live there in the house I was in before” he nodded and said “Yeah” I took a deep breath and asked “Have you ever seen wolves in the forest?” he looked at me and said “Yeah they’re cool they don’t hurt us why?” I shrugged and said “Nothing” and he was about to say something until I said “Were here, come on” I opened the front door and we went up the stairs.

            I unlocked my apartment door and went in and closed it behind me “Umm you could just sit on the couch and make yourself comfortable while I change” he said yeah and I went in my bed room and changed into my pajama pants and a t-shirt then I brushed my hair and tied it up into a ponytail. I left my room and walked toward the couch “So what do you want to watch?” I asked he looked at me and said “Grown Ups” I went up to the TV and opened it then went to pay per view and clicked on Grown Ups and got up. “Now some popcorn and drinks” I mumbled and said “You know you don’t have to be here Dar-“  “No it’s all right” he said I nodded and  went into the kitchen and looked for the popcorn and M&M’s.

            After I found them I put the popcorn in the microwave and pressed the popcorn picture then I opened my refrigerator and took out a pack of soda then waited for the popcorn to finish, after it was done I put it in a huge bowl then left the kitchen. “Alright here” I gave Darren the popcorn and M&M’s and he opened it and mixed it together. I sat next to him on the sofa and we watched the movie.  I was laughing at the movie it was awesome and hilarious, I looked at Darren trying to hold his laugh looking like he is constipating.

 I tickled him and he started to push me away laughing “Jeanette!” he shouted I laughed and said “You looked funny just laugh already!” I shouted and I kept tickling him and we were both laughing I couldn’t stop and my sides started hurting but I continued then we stopped and saw the popcorn everywhere. “Ha ha your head” he looked at me confused then said “How about yours you got popcorn stuck on your hair” he reached up to my hair and pulled a popcorn off “Yeah and yours too” I said and messed up his hair.

I looked at the time to see it was 9:00pm and looked at the mess “So let’s clean up we got time” I said then got up and went into the kitchen to get a bag but when I went out everything was clean. “I’m a fast cleaner” he said I just nodded and said “a-alright?” –People clean fast but can they really clean that fast?- I thought then said “Well um I got a question?” he looked at me and said “Okay what?” I looked at the window “Can you. . .” I stopped and thought –should I tell him?- “Can I what?” he said I swallowed then said “Can you come with me somewhere?” I still looked at the window not daring to look at him.

“Depends when” he said “Now” I answered back then went into my room and grabbed my coat and grabbed his coat and hand. “Wait” he said I stopped and gave him the coat and continued to walk. “Jeanette where are we going?” he asked I didn’t answer him, I looked back and put my pointer finger on my lips. –Now would be a good time to ask the question at the forest- Jo said i sighed and thought –Seriously you finally come back into my head?- I thought and then Jo answered –You know I’m only your conscious right, I mean seriously- I smiled and said –I know I’m doing something right- then I heard Jo say –No I think your digging a whole way too big for you to get out of- I kept walking and looked back to see if he is fallowing.

I stopped when I noticed we were there at the forest and looked at Darren –No Jeanette I’m serious take my word seriously- Jo said then I said “Do you trust me?” he looked at me and was about to say something “Do you or do you not?” I asked and then I saw him thinking then he said “Yeah?” I took his hands in mine and walked into the forest after 3 minutes he asked “Are you sure this is safe for you?” I nodded and said “How about you?” I asked then I saw him smile and say “Remember I live in a house in this forest” I giggled and said “Alright wild boy” then I stopped when I saw the wolves and slowly went closer then I saw them doing the same.

“See they’re nice” I mumbled to myself -No Darren is controlling them- Jo said I quickly took a look at Darren and saw him shake his head at one of the wolves and look them directly in their eyes. –Look at the one next to the silver who does that wolf reminds you of? - Jo asked I looked at the wolf and the eyes and all of a sudden Winnie’s face came up in my mind. –Now look at the silver- I looked at the silver and thought of Liam –See what I mean you made the connection now think about it, Jeanette really think about it-

I looked at the two wolves and thought -No they can’t be real I mean there is no such thing as werewolves- I kept my hand out and heard Jo say –Say their names, say it- I looked at the wolf that looks like Winnie “Winnie?” I said then saw the wolf respond and step back then I looked at the other one “Liam?” then saw them growl at each other. “Jeanette?” I heard Darren say but ignored him “Please tell me are you guys werewolves. I need answers a voice in my head keeps warning me but also encouraging me to find out,  I . . . I think going to go crazy” then saw them come closer.

“Looks like the secrets out” I heard Darren mumble then looked at him “Your one of them too?” I asked then he nodded “So got a problem with that?” I nodded no and said “So I’m not going crazy, I’m not unless you’re playing around with me” I mumbled to myself “Change” I said to Darren he nodded and I heard the bone cracking noise again and remembered the first time I saw that wolf. I closed my eyes and covered my ears until it was done then opened it to see that wolf again the black and red haired one. “You’re the one that was fallowing me home” I sat went down on my knees and put my arms around the head and hugged Darren and cried out of relief.

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