Forest of Secrets

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“Alright Serena, okay well bye I’ll see yah tomorrow” I waved her off and started walking home. As I walked down the block I looked at my wrist watch to find out it was already 11:37pm and I had until 12:00 till the new years. If you’re wondering why I wasn’t out celebrating , well it’s because I have a lot of work to do and I usually don’t like to party I’m the type to be off doing something else and not have time to have fun.

            As I was walking home I started to shiver, I pulled my black coat around me to keep myself warm  but I knew it wasn’t cold today it was at least 40 degrees and that’s the warmest time there could be in January. I looked around me and froze to see on the other side of the street there was a stranger that was just standing there I took notice of the person and started to walk. While I was walking I looked through my cream colored hair to see the stranger fallowing.

            -Okay Jeanette think, the stranger isn’t a women so it’s a man- I thought and took quick look –Yeah definitely. So what that means is that he could do some damage to you so keep walking and don’t look back unless you have too-  I kept walking then turned and looked back to see the guy still fallowing. I crossed the street and turned left then right and went into the building and up to my apartment and went toward the window to see the guy still standing there looking up at me.

            -Oh so he fallowed you all the way to the building and knows what apartment window your in- I put the curtains back and quickly changed out of my business suite and into a t-shirt and jeans also sneakers then peeked out the window to see the guy leaving so I ran out of my apartment and down the 3 stairs and quickly caught up with him.

            I followed him but slower and further but to still have him in my view, I also had my phone with me just in case and my wallet. I looked around to see the guy ahead of me so I picked up my pace but not so much so he wouldn’t catch me then it hit me –Jeanette you must be crazy fallowing the guy that fallowed you- my conscious said I breathed in and out slowly and thought –I must be then- and fallowed him until he went into the forests.

            I froze and waited 2 minutes then went where he used to be and took slow, careful steps into the forest making sure he couldn’t hear me I took in a breath and let it out and quickly look at the time to see it was 11:57pm -3 minutes till new year- I thought then heard my conscious say -3 minutes till your death also-  I felt my heart pumping and my stomach churning.

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