Chapter 2

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Her mother took a deep breath. "You're going on a date!" "With Mark Tuan from Got7!"


Hyeri's eyes widened. She was drinking water at that time so she spat it out when she heard it.

"WHAT?!?!" Hyeri yelled. Her face was filled with anger but her mother saw it as joy. "I knew you would be excited!" Her mother said all happy. "EXCITED?!?! DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M EXCITED?!?!" "Hyeri! Stop yelling! Besides isn't that the guy you like?" Hyeri's eyes got wider. "NO! I HATE THAT GUY!!! I LIKE JB!!!" Hyeri screamed pulling her hair.

Oh how much she hated Mark. She always thought that he was a jerk. Sure he was cute and can rap but she just hated him so much. 'Fuck' she thought.

"Mom why would you do this to me?!?!" Hyeri was asking. "Because I don't want you to end up alone! I'm tired of having to look after you! You're 21 years old, you're old enough to have your own house with your own money!" Hyeri's mother exclaimed. Hyeri's vision was getting blurry. She could feel tears coming. What her mother said was... hurtful.

"YOU SHOULD'VE JUST LET ME DECIDE WHO AND WHEN I WANT TO DATE, DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CAN AFFORD A HOUSE?!?! I USED UP ALL MY LIFE SAVINGS ON A COLLEGE THAT KICKED ME OUT!!!" Hyeri yelled out. You could hear the pain in her loud voice. Hyeri stormed out of the room and into her bedroom. She slammed her door. She slid herself onto her bed and cried. She cried so much that she fell asleep.


Today was the day of Hyeri's date with Mark. Her eyes were swollen up from last night. The memory of the pain still lived on inside her head.

"Because I don't want you to end up alone! I'm tired of having to look after you! You're 21 years olds, you're old enough to have your own house with your own money!" Those words, those are the words that killed Hyeri on the inside.

Hyeri was finding what outfit to wear on this date. Although she wasn't happy she still wanted to look good even though she had nothing in her closet.

After an hour of trying to find something in her closet her mom came in.

"Honey?" her mother was coming in to her room. Hyeri ignored her because she was still mad at her. Her mother sighed. "Did you find anything to wear?" Her mother asked looking at her closet. All Hyeri had in her closet was jeans, t-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, sneakers, and undergarments.

Hyeri just shook her head. Her mother took a deep breath and went inside Hyeri's room. "Hyeri I'm sorry for saying that last night, I understand that you're mad at me but I want you to know that I love you, I love you so much that I don't want you to be alone." Her mothers eyes were starting to well up with tears.

"It's just that I don't want to see you hurt if you can't find anybody for you. I can't handle you being upset." Her mother was crying.

Hyeri felt guilty for making her mother feel like that. She was just upset because she thought her mom didn't want her to live with her. She sat down on the bed with her mom.

"Mom it's ok, you don't need to blame yourself I just thought that you didn't need me anymore. But I know that I still need you because I can't live without my mom." Hyeri was starting to get emotional.

"Honey it's ok there's no need to blame yourself."

They just sat there in silence for a few minutes. Hyeri finally broke the ice by saying,

"Mom could you help me with my outfit?"

Her mother smiled and replied, "Of course... but we're going to need to look in my closet because you basically have nothing in your closet." She chuckled. "Yah! That's not true!" Hyeri whined. Her mother laughed and took Hyeri's hand to her room.

After 45 minutes of looking for a dress they finally decided on one.

"Mom this is perfect!" Hyeri said bringing her mother in for a tight hug. "Now I'm going to need you to do my makeup." Hyeri said smiling sitting down on the chair where her mother does her makeup.

"Ughh Hyeri..." Her mother whined


"Alriiiiigght, Done!" Her mother said finishing up her blush. "Can I see?" Hyeri asked smiling. "Yes on 3,2,1." She turned Hyeri around.

Hyeri looked at herself in the mirror. She was in complete shock. 'This is actually me?' she thought.

"Hyeri! You're ready for your date with Mark now!" Her mother was excited.

Hyeri's smile died down when she heard his name.

'I can't, I can't let myself fall for him... again."


Hey guys! Alright I'm so sorry that this chapter is sucker then the last one! I apologize people! Also if you are wondering why Mark is like a bad person to her just keep on reading and you'll find out why. BTW I kind of gave you a hint there (hehe). Anyways, also be sure to check out my "Exo Imagines" Fanfics! I'll be sure to post more on there more! Alright kamsahamnida for reading! Annyeong chingus!~~

edit: hey y'all's it's the older version of me 😌 first of all this story isn't too bad compared to my others 😅 but that's cause i was obviously the best writer 🤪🤪 anyways the amount of korean words i used 🤨 yo girl brushed up on her korean after the past stories yo girl is an intellectual like yes learn that language kween 😘😗😙😍😝😛😄😅😂

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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