Chapter 4- Non-Mutual Infatuation

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That night, Johanna went to bed slightly dejected. She had been hoping all day that Embra would contact her, but to no avail. Her crush seemed to have no interest in continuing communication. Johanna sighed as she pulled back the covers. She climbed into bed, and flicked off the lights. She fell asleep before the room was fully dark, on account of her being utterly exhausted from worry and fitful waiting.

Later that night, she heard someone enter her room. She opened her eyes, but the room was pitch black. That's strange, thought Johanna. She always left at least a bit of light in the room, through a cracked door or flashlight, incase she needed a speedy evacuation. She was about to get out of bed and investigate despite the fact that there was no light, but then she remembered that all her bodysuits, for all occasions, be it everyday, combat, assassination, or sleeping, were installed with night vision.

She reached beneath the covers, and tapped the button on her chest. Goggles unfolded out of a minuscule compartment on her hip, and she put them on. The greenish converted infrared illuminated the room to her. She scanned the room, and spotted an unfamiliar silhouette inching up on her. They had a knife in one hand.

Johanna sighed inwardly. Another attempt on her life. If you're going to try to get the jump on someone by making the room totally devoid of light, it's really dumb to not bring some way to see, she thought, inwardly commentating on her would-be killer.

The person, who Johanna could now tell was a male, slowly but surely made his way to Johanna. He had his hands out to avoid any collision. As he reached her bed, he stumbled, but did not fall. He put one hand on the bed frame, and felt his way up the mattress and sheets to Johanna herself. He pulled back the blanket in an attempt to not wake Johanna, not knowing she was already awake, and watching his every movement.

Once Johanna was fully uncovered, the boy felt up her body, to find her heart. He did that deliberate repeat patting that one does when feeling something while unable to see. He found the spot, directly in between and slightly below her breasts. He raised his knife, and brought it down quickly.

As the knife was plummeting towards her, Johanna reached up an grabbed the boy's arm. He dropped the knife in shock, and it clattered harmlessly against the bed frame before falling to the ground. Johanna swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up in nearly the exact amount of time it took for him to gasp in surprise. She clapped her other hand over the boy's mouth, before maneuvering behind the boy and placing him in a chokehold.

"Here's a tip," she told him in a mock-warm and cheerful voice, "If you're ever going to try killing someone in the dark again, bring some night-vision goggles." She then bent down, grabbed the knife off the ground, and plunged the murder weapon into the boy's chest.

She pulled it out, and laid him out on the floor, enjoying the wet, sputtering coughs he made in his last moments. "Any last words?" She asked, still in a falsely cheerful tone. The boy forced out a weak "Cark... you..." before expiring. "Aw, is that it?" Johanna teased her newly-deceased assailant. "I was expecting something a little more... poetic." She laughed a cold, but cheerful laugh.

Johanna grabbed a pen and tore a sticky note off a pad on her nightstand. She scribbled "Tried to kill me" on it, and stuck it on the corpse's forehead.

She then climbed back into bed, and fell back to sleep without even bothering to clean her hands and arms from the messy debacle.

When Johanna slowly awoke, she noticed that the Holo-Pad on her nightstand was lit up. A growing sense of excitement grew in her chest as her world un-fogged. She fumbled with the Holo-Pad, and checked why it was illuminated. She grinned. It was a message from Embra.

Cold, Heartless Love (Book 1, Vespu Cronicles [Lesbian Story])Where stories live. Discover now